Pope gon' poop.

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Apr 1, 2005 — VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul's condition was "very grave" on Friday, the Vatican said in a statement, adding that the Pontiff had suffered shock and cardio-circulatory collapse.

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said the Pope had been given the Holy Viaticum — communion reserved for those close to death — and had decided himself not to go to hospital for treatment.

The statement said the Pope had received cardio-respiratory assistance on Thursday and on Friday morning was still "conscious, lucid and tranquil."

look, the man is about to die any minute now. what a natural process, my my, so exciting. what will you guys nag about when he's dead (say, in 2 days, TOP)....? then you'll be pissed at the German pope, now that the Polish guy will be decomposing. :bah:
let me quote my buddy Bill Maher (love him!)
when he said:

New Rule: Just because you've got a job for life doesn't mean you have to do it for life. It's well and proper that we venerate our elders, but give it a freakin' rest! To everything there is a season, turn, turn, turn! A time to reap, a time to sow, and a time to pack it in, put on a housecoat and fall asleep in front of the Golf Channel!

Now, I know it must be hard to give up your job when your job is literally sitting on a throne or being on a Supreme Court or keeping women out of your priesthood to make room for the gays. But at some point it starts to look like you think of yourself as indispensable. And no one is indispensable, including you, Mister Infallible!

I don't want to say the Pope is out of it, but last week, he said two "Our Fathers" and three "Proud Marys."

And Queen Elizabeth, your son has been waiting so long to be king, even his mistress is a senior citizen. Boy. Queen for 53 years, that's a good run. Second only to "Cats." But now it's time to kick off those royal slippers, smell the English roses and spend some time with those Nazi grandkids.

I don't understand, America. We work until you have a stroke; then we put you in a retirement home with a Haitian nurse, and after you die, we fight over your estate, turn you into Soylent Green and eat you. There's hardly any time to enjoy the Cialus.

You know who knows how to live? Titans of industry. Ray Kroc, Colonel Sanders, Dave from Wendy's. None of them spent their golden years tied to a desk. They all died of heart disease from eating their own food. One more shot.

In conclusion, there is a reason that names like Cary Grant, Joe Dimaggio, Johnny Carson, inspire a special kind of awe. Because they all did something that made them more beloved than anyone else: they left! They left! They didn't make us all pretend to yawn to get them to leave the party. They looked around, as all of us will someday, and said, "I've done my part, I've said my piece, and I'm finally deaf enough to stand being home all day with my spouse!"

... so ... is he dead or no?

I guess he will be in the next 5 mintues, so Yahoo News can get their shit straight.

Terri Schaivo
Mitch Hedberg
the Pope

... it's a trifecta (sp?) of death.