Poppy-progressive-hardcore, and Southern Hardcore


Jul 17, 2009
Yo. Here's a couple mixes I did recently, just interested in hearing what people think of them.

This one has been getting a lot of positive attention around the local band scene around me, it is probably the more "polished" (and "produced) of the two here. Pretty young guys, only 16/17... if you listen closely on the screamers low screams, you hear some pretty intense throat overtones(?)-- even in person when he screamed it sounded like there was another pitched-down layered scream underneath... pretty nuts: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2208210/ShadyShady.mp3

And this one is a bit more "dirty" I suppose, which maybe goes with the style... just finished it today: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2208210/Bearwalker.mp3

Thank ya.
I love that second song, reminds me a bit of Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, first one isn't really my style. The drums sound great on that one. Any details on em?
I will have to check out the group you're talking about-- not too familiar with em myself.

Thanks-- drums on both are Steven Slate... can't remember exactly which samples. I would like to get more away from SSD eventually, but I always do a little extra processing to them so they aren't completely stock sounding. And then Rode NT2A's as overheads, SM7B on the hats. A couple cheap Samson SDCs for ride/china. I think the 2nd track has some "Little Blondie" SDC mics for rooms. Hmm... I think that's pretty much it.

One thing I always notice about my mixes is that they seem very "up front" to me-- but I can't tell if it's just how I hear my own mixes. Sometimes I feel like there's not enough "depth" or space, like I can't get enough reverb on to make it sound "bigger", without putting too much on and it sounding mushy. But like I said, could be me being my own worst critic...!