Porcelain Heart Video

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Edit: Ok that video was great in that it was utterly ridiculous. Some of the visuals were actually kind of cool, such as the first time Mikael is playing the classical guitar in the windowed room. Kind-of hard to determine what was going on, but I think the ambiguity adds to the charm. And what was up with the open mouths?? I still think it's funny that Opeth videos utilize the whole cheesy horror movie/goth girl/sexual innuendo/etc thing.

Entertaining if you don't take it too seriously.
As was discussed with Stephen, this is much better than the Grand Conjuration. Both musically and visually. Stephen mentioned that this is probably going to be the weakest song on the album and if that's the case I'll be very happy.

The choir of O's (big O's perhaps? Opeth O? Orgasms?) was moderately amusing. I think I find it more amusing to write about it than I did when I actually watched the video. It doesn't beat getting eaten by a toilet though. Whoever they're getting to do their videos is failing. Overall it is a lot better than TGC video.
I'm disapointed that there was no evil toilet snake or evil shouty masked man.

Although, the bloke who strangles the woman looks quite like Jason Mendonca of Akercocke fame.

