Porcelain Heart


Feb 18, 2006
As of today, you can buy a nice 256kbps mp3 of Porcelain Heart on amazon.com. Anyone done this yet? Discuss the song here.
lotus eater too.

edit: nevermind..?


april 22nd..?
it was april 19th on thursday and friday though, guess they pushed it back...


Porcelain Heart...really like it except: What the fuck is Axe doing 2:15 - 2:30, sounds retarded. And show-boaty...
Really love the part towards the end where Mike is singing falscetto, beautiful. I think this album will definitely be a grower, for sure.
Wow, $1? Will definitely buy it on the 22nd. I didn't realize online singles were so cheap!
Porcelain Heart...really like it except: What the fuck is Axe doing 2:15 - 2:30, sounds retarded. And show-boaty...
Really love the part towards the end where Mike is singing falscetto, beautiful. I think this album will definitely be a grower, for sure.

I think that was the whole point of that section, for Axe to show off a little bit.
It's the most awesome thing I've ever heard.
The acoustic guitar is just so awesome, the lyrics, the riff, the ambient, everything.
Guys, this album will be very very special.
The Lotus Eater is great....Grower for sure.

Some of the slower segues don't really fit idn..Sometimes they just slow the song down. But after 2 full listens each..This sounds alot more dynamic then GR
Porcelain Heart...really like it except: What the fuck is Axe doing 2:15 - 2:30, sounds retarded. And show-boaty...


Gotta agree man, I felt like it almost...almost ruined the whole song for me. God I don't want to do the comparison bit, only because we know the other guy will never come back to this band. But when I heard it all I could think of is ML would of never even thought of doing something like that. Sorry I just shake my head every time I hear it.

Overall though from what I have heard Axe has done a good job.
Does it cost $1 really? Wow!

Well, I guess some of you simply don't understand the Axe fill here. It's meant to be chaotic, not a "nice" fill. The effect when it goes back into the verse to me is amazing, and that's what we're looking for. I guess everyone can't have the same vision as we do and there'll always be complaints.

On the contrary to this last poster I found that bit to be one of the highlights of the song actually. I fucking love it! And it was a magic take as well...

Cheers people
I'd rather that than him just keeping time to it, seeing as the riff is repeated so many times.. not including the amount of times we've heard it on TGC. It seems the idea is to give it a bit of variance each time around, and IMO his 'drum solo' part works quite well.. I was actually fairly impressed, dug the groove, and upon listening to the drums as a whole dig what Axe brings to the band.

Also, the drum production on this album is the best I've heard on any Opeth album. Said a few words about this on the Sneap forum, but the crux is that Axe really seems to have a more metal approach, which lends itself to punchier drum sounds. Given the relatively thin and dry drum sound on Ghost Reveries, this is a really great change.

EDIT: I don't suppose you have any footage of Axe doing that take around, do you Mike? There's nothing better than seeing drummers pull some magic in the studio... it tends to break up the monotony of recording the other 98% of the drum parts on a CD, hahah.
Mikael Åkerfeldt;7175779 said:
Does it cost $1 really? Wow!

Well, I guess some of you simply don't understand the Axe fill here. It's meant to be chaotic, not a "nice" fill. The effect when it goes back into the verse to me is amazing, and that's what we're looking for. I guess everyone can't have the same vision as we do and there'll always be complaints.

On the contrary to this last poster I found that bit to be one of the highlights of the song actually. I fucking love it! And it was a magic take as well...

Cheers people
