Portable live rig advice

Why does it have to be 1U? However, I'm inclined to agree with you - honestly, I've been able to get a pretty passable live sound out of the Line 6 Spider III heads; they're about as noob-looking as it gets, but you've got built in FX, tuner, and yes, even wah with an FBV Express, so I'd strongly consider that; Line 6 are the kings of convenience!

1U because it has to be public transport friendly. The whole idea is to have a decent sounding LIGHTWEIGHT setup to use for gigs. I've owned a spider, and I tell you when I tried the JMP-1 + valvestate poweramp it blew the spider and any other SS setups I've tried out of the water. Sounded much better than my current backup live setup. (Boss GT-8 into whatever amp they have)

ART SLA-2? The Carvin DCM1000 will do it too, but its 2U.

I'll have a look thanks


That ART is 200 watts per channel, wouldn't that blow the speakers on a 4x12 V30? Those would be 120 watts per side...

edit again

Never mine, the ART only has XLR outputs.