Alright as promised here is my take on last nights show.
First off as I have said I might not be the best person to do this because I do love Floor, but that being said I am not just giving her a free pass because I like her. I also consulted with my hubby as to his feeling on things because he had never heard Floor until last night. He 100% approved of her, but did remark that her shear size scared him a bit
I also feel like I should give a little background on my history with the band since many of you don't know me. I found Nightwish in 2003 and have been lucky enough to see them perform 5 times and have seen them with all three singers. It took me awhile to warm up to Anette when the change happened, but I have to say at that point after the Once album I had started to become disenchanted with Tarja's voice, at that point I had moved into listening to different metal and while Nightwish will always and forever be my favorite band, I actually kind of welcomed the change. So moving on to the show.
I have to give Anette credit for finally getting a decent crowd in Portland, let's just say my first two shows in Portland were complete and utter disappointment as for crowd turn out and participation especially compared when I saw them in Seattle which was a spectacular crowd. Last night the house was packed and the energy was high. When the band stepped on stage the place just lit up. As I said earlier Floor was given a very warm welcome, there were a handful of very confused people around me that hadn't gotten the message about the line up change, but they were still incredibly enthusiastic. Floor is a firecracker her energy just poured out over the audience and she seemed very comfortable on stage with the band and for me so much about a band is how good of a show they can put on, I loved Anette's voice, but I realized after last nights show that I was never really able to really get into the show the 3 times I saw her perform, at least not the way I did last night. Was Floor perfect? Heck no, some of the timing was off, she botch a few lyrics, did I like her rendition as much as Anette or Tarja's on some songs, no, but over all I thought she was fabulous
Now for a break down of the show
Roll Tide
(Hans Zimmer song)
Storytime - Personally I still like Anette more on this song, but my Husband actually liked Floor's rendition better.
Wish I Had an Angel - High energy, loved it.
Dark Chest of Wonders - The energy carried right into this song.
Amaranth - Didn't care for Floor's take on it, but to be honest I didn't care for Anette's either, it is just such a meh song in my book.
Scaretale - Both hubby and I agreed that it was good, but that this was really Anette's song and anyone else doing it was never going to be as good.
Dead to the World - Amazing enough said.
I Want My Tears Back - Really good I very much enjoyed it.
(with Troy Donockley)
The Crow, the Owl and the Dove - I thought Floor's voice fit this perfectly
(with Troy Donockley)
The Islander - I can't lie I missed Anette on this song, wich surprised me because I thought I was going to love Floor on this one.
(with Troy Donockley)
Nemo - To me it was the perfect compromise between Tarja and Anette. I always loved the song, but I liked the way Anette performed better than Tarja and I liked Floor even more.
(with Troy Donockley) (Acoustic)
Last of the Wilds - What's not to love? The boys just doing their thing.
(with Troy Donockley)
Planet Hell - Awesome!
Ghost River - Very good
Song of Myself - To me this is one of the most forgettable songs NW has ever had, I don't care who is singing it, I struggled to even to remember what the lyrics were.
Last Ride of the Day - I thought Floor really brought this song to life to me, I had never felt one way or another about this song, but the way she performed it was pure magic and I finally felt a true connection to the song.
I was bummed that Over the Hills and Far Away was cut from the set, but I can get over it hahaha.
So there you have it, it was the most fun I have had at a Nightwish show since seeing them with Tarja in 2004, which by the way I don't blame on Anette one bit, I blame it entirely on the lack of enthusiasm from the crowd, it is hard to get into a show when no one around you is.
Also thought I should post the video of clips from the Portland show here just incase people missed it in the other thread.
First off as I have said I might not be the best person to do this because I do love Floor, but that being said I am not just giving her a free pass because I like her. I also consulted with my hubby as to his feeling on things because he had never heard Floor until last night. He 100% approved of her, but did remark that her shear size scared him a bit

I also feel like I should give a little background on my history with the band since many of you don't know me. I found Nightwish in 2003 and have been lucky enough to see them perform 5 times and have seen them with all three singers. It took me awhile to warm up to Anette when the change happened, but I have to say at that point after the Once album I had started to become disenchanted with Tarja's voice, at that point I had moved into listening to different metal and while Nightwish will always and forever be my favorite band, I actually kind of welcomed the change. So moving on to the show.
I have to give Anette credit for finally getting a decent crowd in Portland, let's just say my first two shows in Portland were complete and utter disappointment as for crowd turn out and participation especially compared when I saw them in Seattle which was a spectacular crowd. Last night the house was packed and the energy was high. When the band stepped on stage the place just lit up. As I said earlier Floor was given a very warm welcome, there were a handful of very confused people around me that hadn't gotten the message about the line up change, but they were still incredibly enthusiastic. Floor is a firecracker her energy just poured out over the audience and she seemed very comfortable on stage with the band and for me so much about a band is how good of a show they can put on, I loved Anette's voice, but I realized after last nights show that I was never really able to really get into the show the 3 times I saw her perform, at least not the way I did last night. Was Floor perfect? Heck no, some of the timing was off, she botch a few lyrics, did I like her rendition as much as Anette or Tarja's on some songs, no, but over all I thought she was fabulous
Now for a break down of the show
Roll Tide
(Hans Zimmer song)
Storytime - Personally I still like Anette more on this song, but my Husband actually liked Floor's rendition better.
Wish I Had an Angel - High energy, loved it.
Dark Chest of Wonders - The energy carried right into this song.
Amaranth - Didn't care for Floor's take on it, but to be honest I didn't care for Anette's either, it is just such a meh song in my book.
Scaretale - Both hubby and I agreed that it was good, but that this was really Anette's song and anyone else doing it was never going to be as good.
Dead to the World - Amazing enough said.
I Want My Tears Back - Really good I very much enjoyed it.
(with Troy Donockley)
The Crow, the Owl and the Dove - I thought Floor's voice fit this perfectly
(with Troy Donockley)
The Islander - I can't lie I missed Anette on this song, wich surprised me because I thought I was going to love Floor on this one.
(with Troy Donockley)
Nemo - To me it was the perfect compromise between Tarja and Anette. I always loved the song, but I liked the way Anette performed better than Tarja and I liked Floor even more.
(with Troy Donockley) (Acoustic)
Last of the Wilds - What's not to love? The boys just doing their thing.
(with Troy Donockley)
Planet Hell - Awesome!
Ghost River - Very good
Song of Myself - To me this is one of the most forgettable songs NW has ever had, I don't care who is singing it, I struggled to even to remember what the lyrics were.
Last Ride of the Day - I thought Floor really brought this song to life to me, I had never felt one way or another about this song, but the way she performed it was pure magic and I finally felt a true connection to the song.
I was bummed that Over the Hills and Far Away was cut from the set, but I can get over it hahaha.
So there you have it, it was the most fun I have had at a Nightwish show since seeing them with Tarja in 2004, which by the way I don't blame on Anette one bit, I blame it entirely on the lack of enthusiasm from the crowd, it is hard to get into a show when no one around you is.
Also thought I should post the video of clips from the Portland show here just incase people missed it in the other thread.
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