Portnoy left DT

In order of awesome to suck

I&W + Awake +ACOS song tied for first
WDADU (this bounces around depending on my mood. Its a young, immature 80s DT, which is both its strength and weakness.)

Okay albums:

Crap albums:
SC (only half the album sucks, the rest is awesome but the half suckage makes the whole album just okay)
SC (only half the album sucks, the rest is awesome but the half suckage makes the whole album just okay)
Out of curiosity, which half of SC is the sucky one to you? I actually like the first half of the disc... "Forsaken" and "Constant Motion" are well-written songs regardless of cheesiness and mediocre to bad choruses. "The Dark Eternal Night" sums up the album excellently in that half of it is creative and cool and the other half is downright ridiculous. I usually stop the album afterwards, can't stand any of the last four songs.
The first disc of 6doit is really flawless. I really enjoy the second one too, hearing the Intro played by an orchestra it's just damn awesome. The only thing that get's me bored is JLB trying to sound like a whiny teen in goodnight kiss. But except for this, I really like that part. I'll still say it's in my top 3 of best double discs ever.

I also enjoyed 8varium a lot. At first I didn't like the second and third songs but today I listen to them more than the others.

And 8varium is a msterpiece. For me, it was the closest they got to A Change of Seasons, even with the beggining being a major pink floyd ripp off. The main melody is one of the most memorable and beautiful melodies ever done by a band.

The last two albums were decent musically, but quite behind the expected. They aged very fast, with few exceptions (nightmare, dark eternal night).

With portnoy out, and with this new song playing around, I'm really anxious for their new album. I've been hearing the new DT song more than Iconoclas(t album).
Out of curiosity, which half of SC is the sucky one to you? I actually like the first half of the disc... "Forsaken" and "Constant Motion" are well-written songs regardless of cheesiness and mediocre to bad choruses. "The Dark Eternal Night" sums up the album excellently in that half of it is creative and cool and the other half is downright ridiculous. I usually stop the album afterwards, can't stand any of the last four songs.

Just curious... how can you say "well-written" but "bad choruses"?
Just curious... how can you say "well-written" but "bad choruses"?
The songs are well structured, some cool riffs, even good transitions (which isn't exactly DT's strong point in this day and age as we all know). Maybe well-arranged would be a better term. I can't ask for much more in a new-ish DT song, which is kind of sad, but alas...
seriously? :lol: if that's a masterpiece than what would you call The Odyssey or DWOT or Rediscovery II?

I disapprove of this opinion.

All these songs you mentioned are somewhat almost in the same level for me, cause they're all flawless super-awesome :rock: songs.

But I think there's two main differences

First, there's a gap in style between this two set of songs. 8varium is a more simple non-metal song, but musically is perfect - harmony, melody, rithm, structure, it feels epic, unlike count of shittany or in the presence of enemas.

Second, I've never heard epic-masterpieces like the ones SX does. If I would define prog metal, I'd say it's DWOT; define symphonic metal, It's the odyssey. Even if there was a god he couldn't top these songs. Only SX themselves could do better (and I hope someday they will).

So yeah, they're not in the same level, but I guess there's no level - discussion with perfection :notworthy
no other epics?

Transatlantic - All of the Above
Transatlantic - Stranger In Your Soul
Transatlantic - Duel With The Devil
Marillion - This Strange Engine
Moonsorrow - Jäästä Syntynyt Varjojen Virta
Redshift - Ether
Caravan - Nine Feet Underground
IQ - Harvest of Souls
Opeth - Black Rose Immortal
The Tangent - In Darkest Dreams
Agalloch - Scars of the Shattered Sky: Our Fortress Has Burned To The Ground

All of these save the last are over 20 minutes, the last short by under 30 seconds. All of these are epics. All of them are masterpieces. Various genres. I could list "The Complete Bitches Brew Sessions too if you want to protest the over-representation of rock/metal.
I didn't say other epics doesn't exist. I don't think any of these songs above match DWOT or the Odyssey.

Except for one or two that I haven't heard. But being one a transatlantic song and the other a Marillion song, maybe I shouldn't even bother. But I'll go listen to them so I can be more accurately right :lol:
Transatlantic - All of the Above
Transatlantic - Stranger In Your Soul
Transatlantic - Duel With The Devil
Marillion - This Strange Engine
Moonsorrow - Jäästä Syntynyt Varjojen Virta
Redshift - Ether
Caravan - Nine Feet Underground
IQ - Harvest of Souls
Opeth - Black Rose Immortal
The Tangent - In Darkest Dreams
Agalloch - Scars of the Shattered Sky: Our Fortress Has Burned To The Ground

Thank you for this list of epics I must now check out! The only one of those I've heard is Black Rose Immortal, which I freaking love. I hope Opeth decides to play it live one day.

On the topic of Dream Theater's recent efforts, I thought Octavarium (song) was the only high point of that album, although it had a bit of filler in it (like the first four minutes of boredom). Almost every other song on that album was DT trying to sound like some other band.

From Systematic Chaos, the only two songs I really enjoyed were Forsaken and Ministry, and I have to practically filter out the middle of the latter due to the wank sessions that don't fit in the song at all.

Black Clouds was easily the best of the three, although it had a heavy dose of filler, too (Nightmare, Shattered). Tuscany was a cool song, since it seemed that DT was taking themselves a little less seriously. The ballad on there (I forget it's name) was very emotive but also really boring if you weren't in the mood for it.
ouch! well... different tastes. IMO, all of those songs are better than DWOT or the Odyssey, good as those two songs are.

You've heard of Redshift? wow.

Yeah I'm more the metal type, btw I really enjoyed that Marillion Song heard it 3 times straight and it's pretty nice

I've got a friend who's ten times nerder than me but almost every band he showed me I didn't like (with the exception of transatlantic and meshuggah), when he told "this one's great redshift" than I said "fuck off with this redshit thing man" , not the type of music that I listen to but quite cool indeed
^ Agreed. It was excellently executed on Score.

I can't believe I forgot to mention Porcupine Tree's The Incident, in regards to pwnage epics. Almost an hour long, and simply amazing. I saw them play it live, and it was perfectly done.
Def check Sky Moves Sideways. Russia on Ice is another pretty good one. But I like all Porcupine Tree Albums, so...
I have the utmost respect for Porcupine Tree.
Their last 4 albums have been pure progressive rock gems.

If it wasn't for Scarsick (which I don't hate), Pain of Salvation would also be on an amazing hot streak.

Speaking of hot streaks... The Simpsons Seasons 1-9. Talk about perfection for so many years. 10+... WTF?! :(