Portnoy left DT

Fish's lyrics could be hit or miss

Maybe, but I thought Garden Party was really funny. Despite how "fight the man, man" it was.

Please don't lie upon the grass unless accompanied by a fellow
(May I be so bold as to suggest Othello?)

Pure gold.
2nd episode now online. They're not just saying "every drummer kicks ass" either which is what I initially thought would happen. Looks like, so far, it's between Minnemann and Mangini. Either drummer wouldn't dissapoint honestly.
Honestly, I've heard rumors being spread around that Mangini has been chosen...

But I wouldn't be able to pick between the two, they are both outrageous musicians. Mangini seems to be a little more capable but Marco has SUCH a blast when he plays that it's just amazing to watch him.

Either way, I hope this'll be a welcome change for DT and they'll take the chance by the balls. Scenes From A Memory is the reason I play music, and my favorite album of all time...but they haven't made anything that interested me since 2002.
You would think that they would want someone who plays somewhat differently (but still as complex) as Portnoy... don't they want to evolve?

Also, calling it right now... Myung only speaks once in each episode.
TAnd is it me, or does pretty much ever riff Petrucci makes sound the exact same? I'm talking about that palm muting distortion thing he does and he thinks he can throw us for a loop but adding in some random bits in crazy time signatures. Maybe he'll top it off with a "how many scales can you play" game.

Its pretty much just you and the minority. And no, you will not receive mercy.
Its pretty much just you and the minority. And no, you will not receive mercy.

haha +1

You would think that they would want someone who plays somewhat differently (but still as complex) as Portnoy... don't they want to evolve?

Also, calling it right now... Myung only speaks once in each episode.

It's just the audition, and they did give them a jam/improv bit as well to showcase their own stuff. I'm sure any one of those drummers who they choose (my money is on Mangini, he seems the best overall fit) will be able to lift the level of drumming in Dream Theater and add their own style to it on the new stuff and even a bit on some of the older stuff once they're established. Looking forward to it!
Mangini seems to be a little more capable

seriously? Not only does Marco play with jazz and prog legends, he's even filled in for Necrophagist. I'm pretty sure there's none more capable than he is.

Mangini is the obvious choice though since this band has no intention of ever evolving again. He's a safe bet, can play everything like Portnoy, is a longtime friend, and seem to want it the most.
Yes. Judging by Rudess's reactions, they clearly want someone to just come play the stuff perfectly and as it is and not bring in something new unless asked to. This makes Mangini the most likely winner so far, that is indeed the safe bet (unless of course it's evolving they want, which, based on their last albums, I don't think they do).

Marco Minnemann and Thomas Lang were awesome, imo.
Minnemann is really cool aswell as being an impressive musician :) I think he could bring a lot to the band. Mangini was also quite nice, but Minnemann takes the lead with his enthusiasm imo. Both looked like they were really into it and almost wacky while they played, haha, really entertaining to watch them playing.
seriously? Not only does Marco play with jazz and prog legends, he's even filled in for Necrophagist. I'm pretty sure there's none more capable than he is.

Mangini is the obvious choice though since this band has no intention of ever evolving again. He's a safe bet, can play everything like Portnoy, is a longtime friend, and seem to want it the most.

Capability and versatility are not the same. Mangini knows the material head to toe and can play every single beat perfectly. I'm not saying Marco can't, but he didn't...and Jordan specifically mentioned that as a negative. I'm willing to bet anything it'll be Mike in the end.
There's something about Mangini I don't like... His facial expressions. I can't help it, but it really annoys me. Minnemann is my favourite. :)
Deal with it, nerd.

'kay, so since I think DT haven't done anything interesting in nearly 10 years, I haven't watched either of these videos because I frankly don't give a flying pig shit.

But blabbermouth article says they've dubbed this webseries (the fact that they've named it AT ALL reeks of pretentiousness) "the spirit carries on". How effing unoriginal can this band get? At least just keep your ripping off to bands that actually matter, like Genesis and Kansas.