Portnoy left DT

I'm glad Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater because while he might have been having fun and putting heart into it, he wasn't putting his full effort into it, and it shows on the drum work (which was very good for BC&SL, but definitely toned down from SC). I think the album the band is honestly most "connected on" since Scenes From a Memory was Octavarium. Its not a flashy album but it flows so smoothly and there just enough moments of great drums fills and guitar work (like the strange yet intricate guitar solo on sacrificed sons) to make it a really enjoyable yet smooth album.

I honestly wonder if MP partially stuck around as long as he did to finish the 12 step suite and to do that MASSIVE tour they did to support BC&SL (since it was literally all over the place) and give fans one last show.

I also think that when you listen to Avenged Sevenfold's Nightmare, you can really see the vigor MP used to display with Dream Theater. Although the Rev did have the blue prints for the basics of the drumwork, from what I understand, Mike Portnoy added some of his own to it as well. I know most people hate Ax7 but I like em, even before Portnoy, and I honestly think Nightmare sounds EXCELLENT (minus the vocalist, hes not terrible, but hes no James Hetfield).

This guy Mangini, I think he will serve as a great replacement for Portnoy. The man is a part time professor at Berkley and previously held the record for world's fastest drummer. Listen to him in some old news interviews in Boston. The guy is very down to earth and has a genuinely nice personality. I think he will meld well with both the fans and the band. Hopefully DT can come out with an album that flows as well as Scenes or Octavarium. Its hard to tell what direction they will take musically, but as Pertucci did have quite a few writting credits for BC&SL, I think we can expect something similar but with better flow for the next album. (I love BC&SL, sorry if it seemed like I was downing it)
Somehow it feels strange how he plays stuff with just one hand that many drummers would play with two. I guess he's been training his wrist movement a lot... which is probably a requirement for being a member of that band anyways.
Yeah episode 3 was completely needless and they knew it. You could kinda see through their poker faces that they already had their guy picked.
^ Whatever floats your boat, I guess. :lol:

I haven't watched either of these videos because I frankly don't give a flying pig shit.

And wisely so. The end was painfully cheesy, unoriginal, and full of promotion for the next album. Whatever happened to just getting a new drummer. Nah, they had to act as if they were the best band in the world. I actually kinda felt sorry for those guys that had to pointlessly come in that last episode, especially the brazillian who had to cancel shows and had problems with the visa etc. just to audition, thinking he actually has a shot.

It made me care even less for this band.
I actually kinda felt sorry for those guys that had to pointlessly come in that last episode, especially the brazillian who had to cancel shows and had problems with the visa etc. just to audition, thinking he actually has a shot.

And I'll feel sorry for Mangini after Portnoy gets bored and decides to join back to the band.
LaBrie's black goatee is like pubic hair on his face. Good that he cut his hair tho, the new hairdo is better than the old mop he used to have.

Rudess on the other hand has an amazing wizard beard. He's only missing a pointy hat.
And I'll feel sorry for Mangini after Portnoy gets bored and decides to join back to the band.

This event has a 99.99% probability of occurring.

LaBrie looks like David Hasselhoff with the shorter hair and the continuously ridiculous goatee.

Hasselhoff is probably a better singer...

Then again, DT has a history of ridiculous goatees.

Except for Myung, whose appearance has remained unchanged for 25 years.
Wow all this hate for DT just because they decided to make some tiny cheesy documentary. Honestly people I thought we were talking about music, not about looks. Oh well I love DT and I love their music, I could give a shit if they made a reality show.
Wow all this hate for DT just because they decided to make some tiny cheesy documentary. Honestly people I thought we were talking about music, not about looks. Oh well I love DT and I love their music, I could give a shit if they made a reality show.
The tiny little documentary shouldn't have made news. That's the protest you see, that we don't care about this hype they've artificially created over nothing.
Except for Myung, whose appearance has remained unchanged for 25 years.
Vampire bassist.
The tiny little documentary shouldn't have made news. That's the protest you see, that we don't care about this hype they've artificially created over nothing.

I don't really get how you can be annoyed because "this documentary shouldn't have made news". People wanted to know who their new drummer was, and they had enough interest that they could make a documentary about it, using footage of the auditions edited to be more entertaining. It only "made news" because lots of people wanted to know and to see it. If you don't care about it then you don't care, so it doesn't affect you. But if you were interested then instead of a sentence on facebook or whatever saying "By the way this is our new drummer", you got the audition footage and to find out in a more memorable, entertaining and interesting way. And if you didn't like it, you could have just waited until it was over and then just read the result.
let's get this part right: the videos weren't made because there was interest. there was interest because they made videos and people love videos. that's not to say there wasn't any interest, but it was augmented intentionally by the band as a marketing gimmick.

and yeah, i just plain don't care about the band or their announcement. i do care however about fallacious logic, consumerism hype, and social scamming. Essentially I'm arguing on the principle of what they did. The rest is just personal bias.