Portnoy left DT

A closer and permanent connection between a band and their fanbase equals and increase of this fanbase and as consequence, better album sales and recognition.
that´s the way i see it and that´s the way it has happened with my favorite bands.
Well, I listened to the Trey Gunn album Modulator and Minneman seems like a much better improviser than Portnoy...but DT's improv isn't very abstract, so I don't know if Minneman would ever really be drumming like he does on that album. It would be really cool if they incorporated some more abstract or jazzy elements...I don't think that would have been possible with Portnoy.

I mean, this is not very appealing...

Maybe that's not a fair representation of his skills though.
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Doesn't matter anyway - for some reason I was under the impression Minneman had won, which is retarded because I'm pretty sure I heard that Mangini did several times. Freudian slip? Temporary amnesia? Oh well - and yeah, Liquid Trio is pretty bad all around, but IMO so is Liquid Tension. Levin is the only instrumentalist in that group I enjoy, and he can't carry a quartet by himself.

Found another CD he did called 24 Tales that's also really great.
Wow all this hate for DT just because they decided to make some tiny cheesy documentary. Honestly people I thought we were talking about music, not about looks. Oh well I love DT and I love their music, I could give a shit if they made a reality show.

Exactly. Here is for you haters:
Did you guys read the new DT album title and tracks? It sounds like it's a joke, they're a bit strange-sounding in the DT tradition, at least for me. It seems the first new aspect without Portnoy is to care less about titles. Hope they don't do it with lyrics and songs.
Exactly. Here is for you haters:

I agree. I actually enjoyed the documentary. It showed how hard this DT stuff really is. Phase 3 (odd timing jam) seemed to have pwned most of the world's "best" drummers. haha.

It's just great musicality, and I respect DT more AFTER seeing the documentary.
virtuosity should be respected, sure.

ability to write songs - i respect that more personally. and as a matter of principle, milking the market for lunchboxes, ringtones, fye vip packages, gameshows, etc - no respect at all for that garbage.
ability to write songs - i respect that more personally. and as a matter of principle, milking the market for lunchboxes, ringtones, fye vip packages, gameshows, etc - no respect at all for that garbage.

Well as long as Mangini doesn't do any backing vocals for DT then the song writing HAS to get better.

As for milking markets for everything, yea it isn't respectable, but that's just price discrimination working itself. Getting the people with the highest willingness to pay to buy those ringtones, vip packages, or pay advertising for the DT drummer game show is the most profitable thing to do from their standpoint. This is what KISS did amazingly well, despite what I see as a lack for truly great music.
I agree. DT are great players but I usually skip the verses because most of them are horrible. I think Keith Sudano of Eternity X should replace Labrie and that might end up being the greatest prog metal band of all time.
Did you guys read the new DT album title and tracks? It sounds like it's a joke, they're a bit strange-sounding in the DT tradition, at least for me. It seems the first new aspect without Portnoy is to care less about titles. Hope they don't do it with lyrics and songs.

They sound like titles that could have been on Falling Into Infinity, IMO. Honestly, I'd like a calmer, groovier, more bass-heavy album. Relistening to that album, it might be the best of DT's catalogue next to Awake and Change of Seasons.
They sound like titles that could have been on Falling Into Infinity, IMO. Honestly, I'd like a calmer, groovier, more bass-heavy album. Relistening to that album, it might be the best of DT's catalogue next to Awake and Change of Seasons.

I really like Falling into Infinity. It's not their best, but at least is better than the last two, that have songs I dont' like much. Falling has some either, but being a 13 song album, there's plenty of music to make for it.
Falling Into Infinity has some great songs and a cool sound I'd like to see in this album, but it also has a few really bad songs which I don't find on any of their other albums. The best stuff distilled from it though is really great, and I'd like the new album to be like that (and for some reason I always have imagined it like that, even before the titles).
I wish DT would re-record their whole discography sans vocals. It's really hard to appreciate the music when all you can hear is a screeching voice.