PoS? Raven? Somnium?

whos your favourite girl?

  • PoS

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Raven Soul

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Somnium In Tenerbris

    Votes: 9 29.0%

  • Total voters
oh and by the way, blackeyed is horsing around...the thing is i know her. i know her style.

on the other hand, i dont know you. and apparently, such a post as "this I crown myself the queen of drop-dead-sexy" can seem snobbish. give me a break, like. and i wasnt offensive or anything, it's just that post seemed that way.

but your pm really points out something else in you. so, besides telling others not to take you seriously, how about doing that yourself, too?
PoS said:
tell me again, why is it I am not only requested but expected to provide more pictures of myself for your scrutiny? under some circumstances I could understand a quietly worded PM requesting some pics, but don't you think that announcing it on the entire forums is rather.... crude? your acting as if none of us in the poll are even present in the conversation.
whoa girl! jai-yen-yen-krap! :tickled:

its just that if the whole purpose of this poll was to vote da main sheila, its rather a difficult choice if you only know one of the contestants. and yes, just like in miss universum contest, its not only the brain that counts ( :lol: ) but also them visuals :cool:

aah. until then, ill enjoy my singha beer and let the rest of you fight about the importance of these kinds of polls.
Crack Hitler said:
its just that if the whole purpose of this poll was to vote da main sheila, its rather a difficult choice if you only know one of the contestants. and yes, just like in miss universum contest, its not only the brain that counts ( :lol: ) but also them visuals :cool:

aah. until then, ill enjoy my singha beer and let the rest of you fight about the importance of these kinds of polls.
hey Jussi dont bother with such crap.a bullshit story came under the spotilight,just cos it seems theres nothing more important to talk about,people wanna have fun and most of all...the story ivolves 3 sheilas:Smug: :Smug: :Smug: ,which is equal to "fun".woooooooooowwwwwwwww

i look upon this thing with momentary interest,if nothing else.i was absent for three days and i got meself a fake acount,that also launched new threads and another fake acount starting this poll and that.Human behaviours is an interesting issue.*hides a smug in the bottom of a phenomenally serious point*

i dont bother really.People keeping track of my posts(im talking about previus months as well),creating fake acounts of me,trying to ridicule me over forums,in front of people unknown to me( !! ),re-posting my posts but in a caricature way.At least i offer amusement to some people.They think and talk shit about me and they are creative about it.its good being creative.i just dont want misunderstandings with me mates(fake accounts have been sending pms to me mates as well).bollox bollox
aah.. suddenly its the december -03 all over again.

im glad you take all this bullshit quite well, sophia, and not let them idiots get under your skin. id really love to pick the brains of them low-life wankers (after scraping them off the wall, of course :cool: ) to know what goes on in their little tiny minds. yall should come down to thailand to learn about peaceful way of life, not having to boost your ego by pulling someone down.

ah well. im still waiting for more pics of the other girls :lol:

do-lea-suk-ha-pap-hai-dee-na-krap! Take it easy! :tickled:
Raven Soul said:
She is very beautiful and not unlike to me and titties :blush: :hotjump:
Since all your posts seem to be about either beautiful women or about sex, I am surprised you haven't posted a pic of yourself yet. If you're in need for attention, it's the best thing to do to get it :) You can get free webspace at fortunecity.com and upload your own pics there. It's free, it's easy, it's fun! (sounds like sex doesn't it?)
Crack Hitler said:
aah.. suddenly its the december -03 all over again.

im glad you take all this bullshit quite well, sophia, and not let them idiots get under your skin. id really love to pick the brains of them low-life wankers (after scraping them off the wall, of course :cool: ) to know what goes on in their little tiny minds. yall should come down to thailand to learn about peaceful way of life, not having to boost your ego by pulling someone down.

ah well. im still waiting for more pics of the other girls :lol:

do-lea-suk-ha-pap-hai-dee-na-krap! Take it easy! :tickled:
mate you dont know how much i wish i was somewhere there,in those places.this is the substance.i am glad you are able to do such stuff,like travelling the world and that.im gonna do that too.its a long term aspiration:cool:

indeed it reminds bit of december 03 all this.hope it dies out soon.i dont want any more crap here.
as for the "not having to boost your ego by pulling someone down"i'll leave a space for anybody to fill in:Smug: :Smug:
the irony of course goes to the person who does this(the fake acount)not you ok? :lol:

this person(or persons),are low-life wankers as you said,but most of all they are lame faggots,with no balls.
If they had any balls at all,they go out and say "Im this and that and i have to say that S.I.T is the crappiest person ever".Maybe they are afraid that they would spoil their reputation:rolleyes: :rolleyes: .and then they call me a hypocrite.spare us the prologue:Smug:

(the same goes for the person behind the clones of Blackeyed,Autumnsphere etc i think its the same person or group of persons)
really everywhere!see the posh places and underground places.i think you have to see everything to have a spherical view.Im mosty lured by Asia tho if you know what i mean :D A travel like Crack's would suit me peeeeeerfectly:D aaaaahhh

@Crack have fun for us too mate:( :)
I have outfunned you big time mate.i've got 3 clones.or 4? i dont know hahahaha
i am the most hated lallallallallla .envy me shall you.Its very trendy to envy somebody this last week dont you think my sweetness?

:lol: ;)
Don Corleone said:
oh and by the way, blackeyed is horsing around...the thing is i know her. i know her style.

on the other hand, i dont know you. and apparently, such a post as "this I crown myself the queen of drop-dead-sexy" can seem snobbish. give me a break, like. and i wasnt offensive or anything, it's just that post seemed that way.

but your pm really points out something else in you. so, besides telling others not to take you seriously, how about doing that yourself, too?
yes I know, and i wasn't mad at you perse, i just wanted to see where you made that distinction from my posts. obviously if you missed the start, i can see now how you came to that assumption. and as far as the 'point' you are referring to in the PM, I wouldn't have made an issue of it if it was only a few people, but it turned out to be just about everybody. so I simply assumed at that point that I must be doing someting wrong. :/

oh well. I'm over it! :P
Crack Hitler said:
whoa girl! jai-yen-yen-krap! :tickled:

its just that if the whole purpose of this poll was to vote da main sheila, its rather a difficult choice if you only know one of the contestants. and yes, just like in miss universum contest, its not only the brain that counts ( :lol: ) but also them visuals :cool:

aah. until then, ill enjoy my singha beer and let the rest of you fight about the importance of these kinds of polls.

there already were pics, but fine.












now some other people had better start coughing up pics and not leave me here on my lonesome like an idiot! :blush:
so, are we going to get to see you or not? no need to be timid! =P and yes, I have lots more pics like the third one.
Crack Hitler said:
aah.. suddenly its the december -03 all over again.

im glad you take all this bullshit quite well, sophia, and not let them idiots get under your skin. id really love to pick the brains of them low-life wankers (after scraping them off the wall, of course :cool: ) to know what goes on in their little tiny minds. yall should come down to thailand to learn about peaceful way of life, not having to boost your ego by pulling someone down.

ah well. im still waiting for more pics of the other girls :lol:

do-lea-suk-ha-pap-hai-dee-na-krap! Take it easy! :tickled:
so get me up there, will you? :yell:

@ Sophia: mate, you don't need to justify for anything, and don't let them doing your head in too much, it's not worth it.