Possibly the worst idea in the history of music...

I'll be interested to see this film. Who knows, maybe it'll be well made. It's definitely a story that would translate well to a movie if done well.
If you're wondering why Varg singled out Venom, apart from making awesome music they are a bunch of douchebags. To quote Cronos:

"Those bands in Norway who burned churches and murdered and claimed that they were inspired by Venom... er, I don't think so. We might have coined the phrase Black Metal. But we've always been a positive force on the music scene. We've had a career. Where's theirs? How can you develop as a musician or establish any sort of musical reputation when you're in jail for murder or arson? We've never been in trouble with the police, let alone in jail. We used the image, but were always aware of our aim: a career."

Way to go to demonstrate your ignorance, Cronos.
My first reaction was to think this was fake. Anyhow.

Varg will probably have a pretty strong case if he wants to sue for defamation of character, considering that this guy is going to play him, and the movie is being directed by people who have no idea what happened in Norway during the 90's.

Unlikely. He killed someone and was planning to blow up churches, as well as spouting his ridiculous philosophy; it would be difficult to further defame his character. I imagine they may butcher his music, though.
You're dumb for taking what I said literally and not realizing that I was making a joke about how unqualified that mincing queer is to play Varg Vikernes in what is supposedly a documentary.
Because Varg is a paragon of manliness, a buff viking warrior whose visage strikes fear into the hearts of foes? Rathbone may look like a fag when he's in his sparkly vampire outfit but I imagine if you slap a bum-pirate 'stache and a wig of shitty long hair on and make him snarl he'd be significantly more impressive than Varg himself.
Because Varg is a paragon of manliness, a buff viking warrior whose visage strikes fear into the hearts of foes? Rathbone may look like a fag when he's in his sparkly vampire outfit but I imagine if you slap a bum-pirate 'stache and a wig of shitty long hair on and make him snarl he'd be significantly more impressive than Varg himself.

I don't know if you've ever seen a picture of Varg Vikernes before or even if you know anything about him, but he doesn't look, talk or behave like an effeminate homosexual. It's also worth noting that Varg actually looks like a real man, and not a skinny little teenager who hasn't come to terms with his feelings for the boy who sits in front of him in class.

I'm not saying he looks gay, I'm just saying it wouldn't take much work to equal his level of manliness.
worst idea?

although pat's you got another thing comin' is quite listen-able and well done.