Post funny shit


EDIT: fixed lol
alright seriously, these aren't that funny.
"Alright, seriously", shut the Hell up. All you do in this thread is cry and moan about how this or that doesn't live up to your standards, without contributing much yourself. The last three pages have seen two posts of you, the one quoted above, and one where you deigned to share your opinion, saying "that last ones the only funny one".

Post funny shit or GTFO plz.

edit: make that ten pages.
Boy, who pissed in your coffee this morning? Crying and moaning is a bit of an exaggeration. And I only said that last one because five million of them were being posted between here and facebook. *shrugs* I post. I thought the star trek thing I posted previous page was pretty funny.
"Alright, seriously", shut the Hell up. All you do in this thread is cry and moan about how this or that doesn't live up to your standards, without contributing much yourself. The last three pages have seen two posts of you, the one quoted above, and one where you deigned to share your opinion, saying "that last ones the only funny one".

Post funny shit or GTFO plz.

edit: make that ten pages.

I love how seriously you take this whole internet thing.

Oh, *ahem*
