Post funny stuff here!

One of my more favourite off the cuff remarks today by me.

We got onto the whole "Your mum" thing.
And then moved to "My mum's dead"
Hence, "Your dead mum"
Someone said "Your pushing it"
I replied "Well I have to, she won't move".

i dont know if anybody else does this one

im going to collage
"your mom went to collage"
no she didnt
i know one of us just got owned
Yeah. This kid in my English class was comparing his quiz with a girls quiz and he looks at the answers and he says, yes, yes, yes...
A Catholic priest and a Rabbi were walking down the street and they see a young boy at a bus stop.
the Catholic priest says, "Let's fuck him"
the Rabbi replies "Out of what?"

My friend at school said "How come all the nerdy girls have the big breasts" and I said "hax".
Yeah so did I, I'm a kid of the late 90's.

I always thought porkchop was cool but Skeeter is my favorite.