Post funny stuff here!


Brings back memories...

But so I can have something funny...

The name alone just makes me laugh.

And a parody

A couple Naruto parodies

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I just find it funny because hardcore christians don't believe in that kind of stuff.
What I mean is

online dating = internet sex

Which is a big no no for Christians unless they get married.
I'm no Christian but I'm pretty sure the bible says nothing about internet sex :lol: Isn't pre-marrital sex more an independant choice, I wouldn't have thought it was 'wrong' in the eyes of Chritian belief.

:lol: Yeah I've probably killed this thread now.
crazy strict fundie christians are freaky behind closed doors. They probably have like crazy nasty hardcore bondage/poop sex. My friend dated some strict baptist chick, she was very quiet and conservative around her parents but when she hung out with us she would drink like crazy and was a complete horn dog. After they broke up my buddy, he said that she would ask him to do all sorts of freakish things with him that i won't even mention. I think the more you repress your animal instincts the more strange your behavior. The more taboo something becomes the more desirable it is

I was trick-or-treating (I know I'm 14 but I want the free candy) by myself and there were (what I think were) two mothers and their daughters who were probably in first grade. I thought they were Korean so I said "shiba" which means bitch in Korean, but they didn't hear it so I said "washin tepenta" which means "I'm a retard" in Chinese because I thought they could be Chinese. So then I said shiba louder and the mothers both turned and then started talking away in whatever language (sounded like Korean).