Post in this thread and I'll tell you what star wars character you're most like

Mas Amedda

Actually, most of the pics i've seen of him he's wearing a uniform, so he seems like he enforces the law with an iron fist, so

edit: :lol: i posted this beforei saw your last post
no, thats an interesting idea. Go for it. I was thinking of doing the the next thread as "homosexual celebrities"
Lolol go get 'em!

edit: :lol: i posted this beforei saw your last post
Again: Hahaha, oh wow!

Could be Cody or Rex, but they're one of those guys that hold a special place in my heart, so I'd say one of the rookies from the episode of Clone Wars.
Who're you talkign about, Jace?

Also, the blue guy, who is he? I thought I knew most Star Wars characters...