Post Production Practise & Feedback

Feb 1, 2009

dunno what u goes think about this but i thought it might be a cool idea to have a post for all the producers to get some good practise in with everyones raw tracking for songs and stuff. Could also help for artists to look for the sort of mix that they would like. Sort of the same this that these guys did in this post but for everyone.

Anyway anyone who intersted please start putting them up in here right away and hopefully this could get stickyed

Posts such as the one you mentioned offering raw tracks do pop up from time to time and if that's your thing then you really need to wait for them to appear. What it comes down to is if the band featured in the raw tracks are comfortable or want their material posted online so I don't think this will spark members here to start posting more raw songs. Another thing to keep in mind is that many of us do this for as a part time / full time job and are often busy working on projects for money and don't have time to participate in this sort of thing. And if you really want this to happen you might start by posting raw tracks of bands that you've recorded. If you don't have any of your own then your best bet would be to start digging through the forum looking for active links to raw tracks that have been posted because they do exist.
