stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Nov 23, 2010 #241 keeps failing epically
hexwind Creepiness Och Terrorism Jun 10, 2008 9,794 2 38 36 Psychedelic Planet Nov 23, 2010 #242 Was raped by Ahmadi Najat when he was a kid
w0es or gtfo Aug 30, 2010 3,808 0 36 Iran Nov 23, 2010 #243 Ahmadi Nejad is now in our city, bastard people were all on streets to welcome him, it took 2 hours for me to get to the uni
Ahmadi Nejad is now in our city, bastard people were all on streets to welcome him, it took 2 hours for me to get to the uni
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Nov 23, 2010 #244 talk about allahakbar stuff i don't get with a fellow allahakbarer
PhlegethonVeins Autopsy Obsessed May 3, 2005 7,859 121 63 WI Nov 23, 2010 #245 Only kills while in santa or satan attire.
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden Nov 23, 2010 #247 groove in disguise
DarkGift ov Doom Sep 22, 2005 30,003 507 113 37 Stockholm, Sweden Nov 23, 2010 #249 gay in not disguise
vikk Member Nov 29, 2005 21,533 97 48 Nov 23, 2010 #250 w0es said: Ahmadi Nejad is now in our city, bastard people were all on streets to welcome him, it took 2 hours for me to get to the uni Click to expand... it's spelled Ahmadinejad, not Ahmadi Nejad
w0es said: Ahmadi Nejad is now in our city, bastard people were all on streets to welcome him, it took 2 hours for me to get to the uni Click to expand... it's spelled Ahmadinejad, not Ahmadi Nejad
gt_jen nothingness incarnate May 31, 2010 6,323 0 36 Sydney, Australia Nov 23, 2010 #251 is the new spelling Nazi?
w0es or gtfo Aug 30, 2010 3,808 0 36 Iran Nov 23, 2010 #252 vikk said: it's spelled Ahmadinejad, not Ahmadi Nejad Click to expand... Not even that, It's spelled Ahmadinezhad, but in media they write Ahmadinejad cause it's easy to read, ZH is pronounced exactly like the "S" alphabet in "viSion" word ^ is not online now
vikk said: it's spelled Ahmadinejad, not Ahmadi Nejad Click to expand... Not even that, It's spelled Ahmadinezhad, but in media they write Ahmadinejad cause it's easy to read, ZH is pronounced exactly like the "S" alphabet in "viSion" word ^ is not online now
Remnant of Insanity Remmidemmi Feb 5, 2006 3,274 0 36 34 Denekamp, The Netherlands Nov 23, 2010 #253 lives in a strange place
BastardSonOfGod Zombie Jan 4, 2006 10,702 0 36 41 Stockholm Nov 23, 2010 #254 She's somewhere between Amsterdam, Denekamp and Birmingham... c0ck
FJChaos Señor Member Mar 14, 2009 1,337 0 36 New York City Nov 23, 2010 #255 username fits well with avatar
BastardSonOfGod Zombie Jan 4, 2006 10,702 0 36 41 Stockholm Nov 23, 2010 #256 thinks mah avatar fits mah name
PhlegethonVeins Autopsy Obsessed May 3, 2005 7,859 121 63 WI Nov 23, 2010 #259 Was turned into a cute little banana by some witch.