Post Something About the Person Above You

the red spots are the places that were important to the movies. mostly where they filmed, but Tataouine is on there too :D

the red lines are either arrows pointing to where they put the name of the place, or lasers to blow the places up.

or flight plans, yes! :D
some funny stuff I have heard here in sweden and some in spain...

"chile! aaaaah ok, that's argentina, right?" ¬¬

"chile! isn't that in france?" ¬¬

"chile! I don't like spicy food" ¬¬

"chile! in america? didn't know the US have a place called chile" ¬¬

"chile! I like spicy food" ¬¬

all the people that have said this nonsense were serious about it... ¬¬

:lol: srsly
haha... at the institute people kept asking me about the chilean miners and I just kept telling them I really don't know anything about them... until one day our teacher said "write something you wanna tell to the class" so I wrote about the miners being at the same distance from stockholm to hamburg comparing from where I lived in chile and where they live (more or less)... and I also said to stop asking me shitty moronic questions about the damn miners or I'll give them shitty moronic answers about the damn miners :) all of it in swedish, people didn't really applaude me but mah teacher said "jättebra nicholas" :)
say something about HexMo...

what can i say about HexMo....



I read somewhere "Hexwind is Gay" but the guy that wrote that sign doesn't exist anymore so i guess its not true....
