Post SOngs You Wrote

Here's one I wrote and which can be listened to on my music page:

No Way Out

Is free will but an illusion
A perfect mirage in the desert of our minds
A subconscious awareness of infinite realities
A grain of sand mistaken for gold

Nothing could have been which was not
Nothing shall come to be besides
One possibility within this reality
Defined at the beginning of time

We are confined to a contrived
Existence, devoid of all choice
This is our blessing and our curse
We are imprisoned with no way out

And so we'd be freed from
The embrace of regretful memories
But even innocence has its price
Are we slaves to our fate

In its final day, as the sun is engulfed by the horizon
And the skies are reclaimed by the moon
Under its pale light, will we choose our own destiny
Or be forever eclipsed by our own shadows
This is what happens when one thinks it'll be a great idea to write a song while deprived of sleep and common sense.


The grass talked to me and told me I was dead
I flew away to find the crystal cows
They ate me in the caves with porcelain cups
They took away my powers and ascended the altitudes

Come rally with the covers of corsets
Dance with the fleeting days
Eat the flesh ridden roses
The lamppost is really my uncle

The moon licks the cows
Suckles their dust
It spreads their glow to the planets below
My cave drips ink and tears
My legs are invisible

Why does the windmill always look through my window?
Why does the music float?
Why can’t I swim in a river?
I wish I was a duck

Come rally with the covers of corsets
Dance with the fleeting days
Eat the flesh ridden roses
The lamppost is really my uncle

My cave is my new home
Its cleavage licks my palm
The soil runs
My ears are numb
Milk flows around my ankles

Spotted black demons polluting the skies
Raping the starfish’s hay
Chewing the feckled matter
Dangle drooping tongues
The liquid curdles
My nostrils rot
Drown in the deep mire
Grasping my legs undone

Come rally with the covers of corsets
Dance with the fleeting days
Eat the flesh ridden roses
The lamppost is really my uncle

Your eyes tell lies
Neath this cold glacier
(That) you melt alone
(With) the salt of tears
Running down a mask of pride

(You) can keep melting (it)
(And) eventually drown
Or you can hide it
Under closed lids
And let it reach within

And all those years
And all those tears
Never seemed to teach you
And all those wounds
And all what’s been
Never seem to leave you
And all those fears
And all those lies
Never seemed to reach you
And all grieving
Has catched up to you

Navigated to the unknown

I gaze out to wave
the beats accelerate
in your eyes there's regret
of what coul've been
but numbness is holding you tied
mother tells me to rest
it's a long way ahead
calmed by the wheels softly pulsing
but I never found sleep anyway

lifelines divide
never to collide
never turning back
inside the train of time
navigated to
the unknown

Some have reached their stop
others have only began their journey
but you never left
you're still there this moment
in nomans land without
a ticket nor a dime
with only rafes of crying widows kneeling
waiting for their lovedones to return

manteled the red sun
climbing down the horizon
along with november
weeping it's final tears

and an old one

new chapter one

Mumbling through the paper walls
Rising desibels untill the ears bleed
Filthered by the soft feathers
A beautiful silence deafening all
Awakened by a shouting cabhorn
The wheels peel of the mirrorground
I clear the blurry window to take a last look
We are blood through the city veins

This is the start of a new chapter one

Arriving to a nightly harbour scene
Passing signals of the closing gates
Burning the first pages of a gallery
Lifelines divide, navigated into the unknown
This is the start of a new chapter one
This is the start of a new chapter one
Abandon Ye the Hills

Abandon ye the hills
Who have tarried ever long
Forsake ye now the fells
That sing their sleepy song
For the world grows ay more tired
Of its circuit 'round the sun
And soon must it expire
When the work of God is done

Rest now from your chores
Ye who have labored long
Be troubled never more
For what will come with dawn
For wint'ry winds have blown
Our schemes and plans away
And the earth reclaims its own
At the ending of the day

Weep not for the end
Nay, shed no tears for death
For grievous wounds shall mend
At the draught of our last breath
Yea, count yourself as blest
Who pardoned are from life
For the weary long for rest
And the scarred surcease from strife

And the world grows ay more tired
Of its circuit 'round the sun
And soon must it expire
When the work of God is done.
this thread is pretty conclusive evidence that metal kids are dumb

Ayup, this is a somewhat more ridiculously named "POST YOUR TERRIBLE POETRY!" thread. Only it's metal because they're metal song lyrics and stuff. It's also *exactly* the kind of thread you would expect to find on an Opeth forum.

P.S. DarkFerret, you are either a really awesome troll, 12, or just straight-up ridiculous.
*It starts off...a dark stage and then a beam of light, and you can see me and my guitar*

In the end of time
There was a man who knew the road
And the writing, was written on the stone

*And then a thin layer of fog comes in around my ankles
Roadies that means dry ice we're gonna talk about this later*

In the ancient time
An artist led the way
But no one, seemed to understand

*Chimes, Freddy*

In his heart he knew
The artist must be true
But the legend, of the rent was way past due


hahaha, I'm just kidding. I normally don't get around to writing lyrics to my songs.
^ Haha, I just watched that movie last week or something.

Edit: Actually, I'm working on two new songs at the moment, my first songs that have vocals and thus, lyrics. I find it pretty hard to write good lyrics although I have some nice lines here and there I think. They'll be released at the same time as the songs, I guess.
maybe a song... (have to translate it)


That unavoidable, deadly omen,
With such an overwhelming suffocation,
Like a serpent over my chest,
Just anguish and despair left…

Damned will always be the dawn
Which my placid dreams swept away,
And let me here, wondering why
At the gates of twilight I dwell…

Is it true that death sleeps under your cot
And not even musing, in a graceless way,
Between your legs, in forgotten times, blown?

Your metastasis will consume me
You will bring up my guts…
Doesn’t anybody remains unharmed
From this bitter and dreadful end?

Shall we grip ourselves,
And not embrace our demise
In the eternal agony
For being the first ones?
Here is one I had written, called Passing Away:

Passing Away

Too painful to bear,
Words cannot describe,
The tearing,
Of my soul.

All for nothing,
My thoughts beguiled,
The flattery of darkness,
A sinful pride.

Austere surroundings,
Footsteps of death,
Memories too broken,
Chaos triumphant.

A smiling priest,
Plays with his cross,
Mumbling a litany,
For an irredeemable soul,
To a God perverse,
Who leads us to defeat.

The end is nigh,
Heart pounding slowly,
As He welcomes,
A passing away.

nice lyric, nice imaginery.
I'll risk it, a track currently being recorded:

Through the woods I used to stroll
There lived a girl I yearned to know
Her ocean eyes I’d eternally sail
And to be her knight I’d never fail
I beheld her all; her shimmering dazes me
Upon the threshold of my hopeless reverie
And yet some dreams are forged from silent stones
Unable to grace searching souls

Leaning on those memories
Of when she flew so high
I doubt I’d catch her falling
And somehow greet her eyes

“Behold these gifts in wonder
And suffer for their love
Taste the fleeting fruit
It’s juices never enough”
Her words bore a warning
As I soothed my lips with hers
Within her I felt immortal
And yet I doubted its worth

As if in answer the trees parted their branches
Allowing me to see that the spoils of my victory came in vain
For my love was but one of many
How could I ask for more with something I’d felt so sure?

Through these open fields I roam consuming seeds of life unknown

Break the temptress that I know
Her aura’s stench tears at my soul
Hold my hand while I grasp
For my firm grip never lasts

Bound to me so briefly
Love holds none, as bonds are undone
Downed forces course through me
As another war has begun
Beholder release me for my heart bears no ties
Strike swiftly and cut these
Swollen wants from my eyes
*It starts off...a dark stage and then a beam of light, and you can see me and my guitar*

In the end of time
There was a man who knew the road
And the writing, was written on the stone

*And then a thin layer of fog comes in around my ankles
Roadies that means dry ice we're gonna talk about this later*

In the ancient time
An artist led the way
But no one, seemed to understand

*Chimes, Freddy*

In his heart he knew
The artist must be true
But the legend, of the rent was way past due


hahaha, I'm just kidding. I normally don't get around to writing lyrics to my songs.


I had to do my chores today
And now I'm really ticked off!
nice lyric, nice imaginery.

Thanks man! That was intended as the lyric for the last song of an album. We've got the music and all, but nothing recorded. From the likes of it, it's never gonna get done.

This is another one, called Contagion:


I feel the sickness,
Of flesh and mind,
Red tinges of desire,
With lust I am blind.

Infested liquid,
From a polluted chalice,
Growing like ivy,
On ruined walls.

Feasting on weakness,
The foundations of reason.

A spreading pool,
Of ebon water,
Drawn from the abyss,
The poisoned well.

Seven times around,
On the seventh day,
Brought the walls down,
Like softened clay.

So did the sickness penetrate,
The hearts of the righteous,
And the sinful alike,
Uniting in one purpose,
To corrupt,
And be corrupted.