Unshine - Earth Magick


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Unshine – Earth Magick
Crash Music Inc. – CMU61148 – June 28th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


“Thank you: Everyone who has helped us on our mystic druid metal path.” Damn, I was all prepared to bestow a 10/10 on Unshine, but this is the fifth mystic druid metal album I’ve heard within the past couple of weeks. So, I’m unable to give Earth Magick an above-average rating. It’s not that I’m biased, honestly, I’m just sick of this prevalent spiel.

When “Rowena’s Song” first entered my ears, I couldn’t help but begrudge the likeness to Lacuna Coil. Arguably, this is docile gothic metal, which utilizes female vocalizations as the main attraction. The production is excellent, and also manages to suit the style very well. Susanna’s vox soar and aren’t nearly as impressive as other vocalists dabbling in this subgenre. However, it is refreshing to hear a singer who’s not obsessed with vibrato or other stylistic techniques. There’s some edginess to be found on Earth Magick, like on “Not For Me” and “Snow White” – though the heaviness occasionally feels more forced than genuine. As if the band said to themselves: “We have to put some hard stuff on here somewhere.” That’s what I glean from Unshine’s presentation anyhow, and I don’t like it. Moreover, I’ve never been closer to suicide than when listening to the ludicrous ramblings of the ill-named composition known as “Supergirl.” I mean, come on. Overall, though, the record is eight tracks, which span forty minutes or so.

Earth Magick, if you haven’t guessed by now, is pretty bland. The Lacuna Coil name drop might help ya if you want to know what Unshine sound like, but I’ve just recently purged my collection of both the aforementioned. This isn’t too rewarding or unique; I’m sure it would’ve had a greater impact on me if it hadn’t been streamlined for the mystic druid metal subgenre. I practically trip over mystic druid metal bands these days, because there’s just so many of them.


Official Unshine Website
Official Crash Music Inc. Website