Post your Backlog


Active Member
Oct 16, 2012
Southern California
Post the list of albums you want to listen to fully, but haven't gotten around to yet:

Disillusion - Back to Times of Splendor
Enslaved - ISA
Lykethea Aflame - Elvenefris
Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome
Moonsorrow - V
Martyr - Feeding the Abscess
Circle Takes The Squae - As the Roots Undo
My RYM wishlist has 1,030 albums, and there are probably more than that I just haven't registered. The most recent metal albums I've added are...

Saber Tiger - Timystery
Striker - Stand in the Fire
Sumerlands - Sumerlands
my backlog?
dear god hold on

plus another 12 gigs from my secondary backlog, which i go through daily
I only listened to The Ethereal Mirror. The song "Ride" is supposed to be their 'hit' single, yet I don't enjoy it at all.

Wrong. The hit single from that album is 'Midnight Mountain' and their other chart topper is 'Hopkins Witchfinder General'. Killer band. If you don't like 'Ride' though, you won't like these other ones.

Back in the mid-90s I couldn't get enough of 'The Carnival Bizarre' album. Oh man the memories....
Yeah, my backlog is ridiculous at this point. It's not even really helpful. One day I'll make a discogs or something so that I can monitor what I listen to better.