Those cleans were the hardest part of the mix.. I think he used the wrong pickup or something, but they were just really weird. No idea how I managed to get them sounding halfway decent, loads of processing. The rhythm guitars on the other hand were really easy. :/
And that's not worthless at all, it's one of the best compliments I could get about the mix - that you like the music.
Regarding your mix, I'd have to disagree with LeSedna. Yes, the drums are all really mechanical, but I like it. It's kinda old-school, trigger-everything, and I think it works.. apart from the ride at around 3:00, it just sounds weird. I'm at work atm with iPod earphones so I can't really comment on anything else, but there were a few very slight flams between the snare and kick in there when the kick is doing 16ths, that sound unintentional because the drums are so mechanical. It'd work if they were more natural, but I would go all the way and make everything perfectly to the grid. Also, the bit at 1:39 was a bit of a letdown with the cymbal swells and then there was no real 'impact' when it hit. Guitars got a little sloppy there too.
I think the guy on your record had like humbucker/singlecoil/singlecoil and he did something wrong yeah or didn't have the "ear" for choosing the right pickup. But you got it sounding the most catching thing of the song! And thanks for the input, there's a loooooot new info there that just makes me busy to achieve for a good time

EDIT: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7606286/ilbo3.mp3
I don't know if this is really a IMPROVEMENT but tried to make the machine sound more not machine hah-haa.