Post your best mix and comment poster above you!

Those cleans were the hardest part of the mix.. I think he used the wrong pickup or something, but they were just really weird. No idea how I managed to get them sounding halfway decent, loads of processing. The rhythm guitars on the other hand were really easy. :/
And that's not worthless at all, it's one of the best compliments I could get about the mix - that you like the music.

Regarding your mix, I'd have to disagree with LeSedna. Yes, the drums are all really mechanical, but I like it. It's kinda old-school, trigger-everything, and I think it works.. apart from the ride at around 3:00, it just sounds weird. I'm at work atm with iPod earphones so I can't really comment on anything else, but there were a few very slight flams between the snare and kick in there when the kick is doing 16ths, that sound unintentional because the drums are so mechanical. It'd work if they were more natural, but I would go all the way and make everything perfectly to the grid. Also, the bit at 1:39 was a bit of a letdown with the cymbal swells and then there was no real 'impact' when it hit. Guitars got a little sloppy there too.

I think the guy on your record had like humbucker/singlecoil/singlecoil and he did something wrong yeah or didn't have the "ear" for choosing the right pickup. But you got it sounding the most catching thing of the song! And thanks for the input, there's a loooooot new info there that just makes me busy to achieve for a good time :D

I don't know if this is really a IMPROVEMENT but tried to make the machine sound more not machine hah-haa. :)
@Mago: Cool stuff. Has a nice attitude.

Perhaps a little congested sounding, particularly in the mids. Impulse/digital guitars? They sound a bit static in the high-mids. A bit pumpy sounding in a slightly messy way. Cool snap on the snare.

thanks ermz, you can check out my bands facebookpage if you like it, theres some full songs on there
I know what you're refering too, and it's also what I ment with doing things a bit differently if I could go back.
The guitars aren't digital, its my 6505+ through Randall 4x12 V30 cab with a single 57.
The digitaly sounding high mids/highs is a result of me not knowing my cab too well (was only the 2nd time I mic'ed it up), so the mic position wasn't ideal and it picked up a lot of 4.5-5k-ish gritt.
I tried to EQ it out well enough not make it less harsh without killing too much bite. Could have taken out more, but at the time I was mixing I wanted more bite then smoothness. Still happy with it tho, cause I think it fits the music quite good.
Also Jaymz's mastering shifted the focus of this a bit more towards the highs I think, which helped them a lot imo!

Marco: Thanks man as always! :D I don't know where you're pulling all those kind words! Like i said to Mateo, i agree with you guys and thanks for pointing the weight of those facts up for me! I just don't put much effort on those issues. And the vocal issue is also true! Great comments thanks! :) And love Harpia Deiis and don't really have a bad thing to say about thee. Yeah as boring as it is. I think we have quite the similar taste on the world of tha audio hehhee!

haha thanks man...seems our tastes are really quite similar indeed ;)
Recently I cooked up from an old thread around here. For what little I used to get the sound I made, I don't think it's half bad. There's a lot of great stuff in this thread. FrankyFVX, your mix is really cool, I think it captures the feel of the music and the genre very well! There's not a lot I would change about it.

EDIT: less low-end and mp3 clipping.
The bass is barely audible and could use some punch, and I'd give some snap to the snare, I can't even really hear the snares at all. Love the guitar tone, though.

I haven't got a mix available worth showing, so free pass!
I want to actually post my best mix, which is not mastered yet, and is not metal. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out though. Mix 1.mp3

Really nice job on this, and cool song. I really like the vocals and everything is sitting nicely. No critiques here.

Here's my mix, I'm not finished with it yet because there are no vocals, but I'm liking it so far. I'm having some trouble with the low end, trying to get it to sit right so help especially on that would be greatly appreciated. Song.mp3
Drums sound nice and punchy, kick could use some more samples, as it sounds a bit too plasticky and robotic.
Bass needs to come up a lot!
Guitars are too middy and lifeless, you could try increasing the lowend substantially as well as the presence.
The mix itself is not a bad starting point anyways ;)

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Here's a song RichMinerva posted that I took a stab at: Atlas Mix 2.mp3

I would love all the criticism I can get. =D

Sounds heavy!
The kick especially is a little bit too "programmed" sounding for my taste, I might try more velocity editing and/or multisamples. Other than that, they're pretty realistic sounding, but may be taking over the mix. They sound huge, especially with that verb and everything, but I would recommend turning up the guitars more and finding other ways to make the drums stick out (clever EQ with kick/snare, or parallel compression, for example).
Vocals are heavy, but the doubling is a little too evident for me. I would slip the takes together a little bit more.
Guitars could be a little bit more present perhaps (but that's just from comparing to my favorite mixes, it's probably more of a personal preference thing).
The distortion on the bass is a cool idea, and if you're going for that whole "Korn" click then I guess you got it. I think the bass could be adding more to the guitar tone, however, if you really pushed up those subs and got it banging with the kick more.

Overall very good.

Here's my mix, it's one of Goddamn Guitar's mix-your-own-Feared-song songs. Bounce.mp3
Im at school right now so i cant really judge on my headphones, ill take a listen when i get home on my A7's and let you know what i think.

I as well did one of Ola's songs (Goddamn guitar) its my latest mix since im a new member i thought id start with that.
Let me know what you think, and whatever you think i can improve on.
Im at school right now so i cant really judge on my headphones, ill take a listen when i get home on my A7's and let you know what i think.

I as well did one of Ola's songs (Goddamn guitar) its my latest mix since im a new member i thought id start with that.
Let me know what you think, and whatever you think i can improve on.

Nice airy mix to begin with but sorta falls flat when the guitars come in. They could do with more grind and body. Also OH (particularly ride) is a little loud/bright. Stellar drums though!

My latest mix for my own band is possibly my favourite, but that might be because I'm really stoked with how the song is coming along and cannot wait to tear the house down with it live!