post your best un processed raw guitar file!

Not really a tone a lot of people are after I guess, but for the song it worked quite good and I also didn't need to eq it a lot, considering that it may be the "best" tone I've gotten so far
(switching from one guitar in the center to dual tracked).
Gate is the only thing on the guitars

DI's are from Onqels song "the tide", through TS9> 6505+ red channel > Marshall 2x12 w T75 > 57
May seems a bit undergained but works for the full mix imo
mix still in progress

also the only T75 sound I got so far that I'm somewhat happy with :lol:
Cheers Ryan. I'm pretty fond of that old Bogner tone. I'm not sure what it was, but that was the most ideal raw tone I ever got off a single mic. Probably a combination of not reamping, a player with decent right hand, being able to totally crank it and the XTC's awesome 'Excursion' switch.

Maybe not my 'best' but I recently did a reamp for Ola's DI with my new JVM which I thought came up kinda cool. Most brutal Marshall amp I've ever used, that's for sure. DI Test/OD1 Orange Cab 1.wav

PS. I've been listening to that old Envenomed CD you reamped for me years ago Ryan. The guitars on that thing came up awesome man. If I didn't tell you back then: great job!
I dunno about 'best' but here is a recent one I did: G2 L 57.wav

Single track, Roadster > Mesa V30 cab > 57 > API
Had some other mics as well for blending.

Didn't actually end up using these because the Axe-FX just fit the programmed / sterile vibe of this mix better, but I dug the tone. Good playing always helps!

I end up using the 5150III a lot for more technical stuff because of the pick clarity but it needs some EQ to get there I find, then it ends up my favorite.
Cheers Ryan. I'm pretty fond of that old Bogner tone. I'm not sure what it was, but that was the most ideal raw tone I ever got off a single mic. Probably a combination of not reamping, a player with decent right hand, being able to totally crank it and the XTC's awesome 'Excursion' switch.

Maybe not my 'best' but I recently did a reamp for Ola's DI with my new JVM which I thought came up kinda cool. Most brutal Marshall amp I've ever used, that's for sure. DI Test/OD1 Orange Cab 1.wav

PS. I've been listening to that old Envenomed CD you reamped for me years ago Ryan. The guitars on that thing came up awesome man. If I didn't tell you back then: great job!