Post your goals for 2014


Jun 11, 2011
I'll start.
Stop posting on forums :lol: so goddamn addictive. Also I'ma start lifting cause skinny phaggot. I expect to get bigger and a little ripped by next year but the goal is to keep doin it, non stop. Probably gonna buy a car if I keep doing things well, just gotta work a little more hours the week and improve ( I really want a new car).

To seriously try to cut back on my alcohol and tobacco intake.

To try to lose about 40 lbs.

To work more hours at my day job.

Get a car. I've been lucky to have awesome parents who have been helping me out with their extra vehicle but I'm too old to be cruising around in mom's van and it's getting to the "re-fucking-diculous" point now with me being broke and just having moved into a new place.
- Lose a stone and a half of fat, get all the way back down to 10%.
- Get my shoulder press up another 30lbs to 170.
- Do a one armed pullup
- Finally get a song I've produced on Kerrang.
- Actually bother learning to drive
- Mix/record/produce at least 4 hours every day.
- Triple my current savings so I can buy an awesome studio setup.
Get a 1.1 In my first year of university

Learn to sight read notation

Actually get a fucking band together that does more than 4 gigs in a year
Lose 50lbs, save as much money as possible, dress like a depressed lumberjack. Really comfortable with where I'm at job/living/audio career wise, need to get my own health/body image in order before fucking with too much else.
Release the album I've just finished up all the audio-related stuff for. I will post a teaser for this soon.
Get stuff started with the newly formed indy film crew I'm currently having meetings with.
Eat more chocolate, cause someone has to.
Do exercises, improve my health (mainly my back/shoulder pains), battle my 3yo depression, improve my marriage status that almost got to an end on the last couple of months, move my studio out of home and get a new car (or just sell my current car...for every fix it gets, 3 new problems appear). And travel somewhere with my family...anywhere!
- Finish my pool. I lost a part and it turns out it's actually hard to find a replacement so I'm looking at fabricating something. I also need to install a pad for the pump and filter still. I actually only just got this up in time to use it for 2 weeks, then I had to close it for the year so both of these issues are non issues right at the moment. Neither the part or not having a pad has any effect on the structural integrity of the pool.

- Fix my damn roof. Previous owners decided to put in blown insulation in the attic, which is great except they clogged all the soffit/under eve ventilation. Have a couple of nails that need pounding down on the roof as well and need to install flashing where they did a sub par job joining the car port to the house.

- Fix both outside outlets on my house.

- Pay off my cousin for his bass.

- Get my savings back up to 6 month emergency.

- Buy new mic(s), SM7b is a definite.

- Visit my brother in prison more.

- Vote and volunteer to campaign against Cuomo if I have time because I hate what that idiot has done to this state.

- Buy a gun with the extra money that Cuomo is doling out to people with family structures like mine, smile and then vote for anyone but him.

- Fix my shed (2 fucking tree limbs have fallen on top of it, yet it still stands).

- Record bands, take money and invest in doors/walls/insulation to attenuate the rooms and stain the concrete.

- Avoid having a second kid.

- Have money on hand to upgrade to komplete ultimate when NI does that crazy sale again (fingers crossed of course).

- Work less, seriously I wouldn't mind getting off the 76 hour work week (more if I'm recording bands as well).

- Sell my car and get a truck, because I would love to have one (and I can't count how many times I wished I had one)

- Put a drum library together and possibly sell it, cymbals too.

- Learn how to actually use Komplete. :lol:
Finish writing an album and improve my production skills to at least make it listenable.. Work out at least 4 times a week even if it's just running. Get back in school and start planning a career for myself. Make YouTube guitar videos. maintain happiness!
Tour ASIA/ US, record more quality bands, start hitting gun and put on some mass... Try to cope living on my own for the first time haha \m/
Write another album. Already about 1/3rd of the way through that. Maybe do a survival week out in the boonies, I've always wanted to try that.
Loose another 20-25lb, stay at that weight, gain some muscles, trying to get rid of the constant pain in my arm.
Get better at my job, go on vacation, propose to my gf (yeah, I actually enjoy my relationship :D ) and enjoy my life.
stay alive till 2015 :D

Improve my physical health. I am 33 and soemtimes I feel that I have 50, a lot of times I feel tired as fuck. Must be because of too much porn!lol

Write one more EP in a different style that I am used to...
finishing writing and starting recording our next album somewhen in 2014.

Pretty confident with how I handle whats going on elsewise at the moment, so no desire to change that...but my change of heart this year came long before the end of the year was in sight, so it was a lot more honest than usual :lol: