Post your hauls here

Leviathan - Howl Mockery at the Cross

As for Inquisition, I love their vocals. One of my favorite performances in recent memory. I find the album somewhat lacking in originality. Almost all the riffs remind me of either Immortal, Averse Sefira (esp. Tetragrammatical Astygmata) or Deathspell Omega. Solid nonetheless.

Can't believe I waited so long to get Gorgoroth. Pentagram and Under the Sign of Hell are now on my immediate buy list.
Today's (unexpected) purchase:

Minor Threat - Complete Discography

I am a bit lacking in a hardcore punk collection, so I decided to start building it a little. Having nothing but metal to listen to, while it is completely okay, is sometimes disheartening.

Two words:

The Exploited
Today's (unexpected) purchase:

Minor Threat - Complete Discography

I am a bit lacking in a hardcore punk collection, so I decided to start building it a little. Having nothing but metal to listen to, while it is completely okay, is sometimes disheartening.

Cross - Metal From Above
Proclamation - Advent Of The Black Omen
Stygian Shore - The Shore Will Arise
Unorthodox - Asylum
Zion's Abyss - T.A.L.E.S.
I just won a couple of promo posters for my dorm room for this fall.

Emperor - Anthems promo poster (16 1/2" X 23 1/2")

Samael - Eternal promo poster (23 1/2" X 33")

Just arrived :kickass: