Post your hauls here

5 bucks says you dislike it.
It's not bad, it's just weird all their riffs are tremolo'd, I mean evcery fucking riff so far is tremolod using single strings, I'll listen to the rest of the album sometime today, vocals are good though. I also got me a burnt copy of Deathspell Omega's newest CD from phrk33, I'll have to listen to that sometime.
These are all recent hauls.

From J. (all promos; thanks man!):
Amorphis - Silent Waters (this is a pain in the ass though, each track is divided into like 20 separate sections...fucking gay)
Limbonic Art - Legacy Of Evil
Tjolgtjar - Five Tjolgtjarian Keys (actually this isn't a promo, I lied)
Tulus - Biography Obscene
DeathGasm Records Sampler 2007

From the noise show a few nights ago:
Irukandji - [Prey For Me I-V] LP
Irukandji - [Rust I-VIII] 3" CD
Broken Diode - Traumatic Hallucinations cassette
and a CDr live recording of a show I played where my set sounds like ass...oh well, can't win 'em all (or even close to that it seems!)

From Mutilated Records for Slam-Minded reviewing purposes (check the blog):
Anal Blast - Assault On The Hot Wet Blood Hole (pretty meh)
My Plague - Mechanical Infection (very good)
Spreading The Sickness Vol. 1 Sampler (rather good, some shit though)
He's big cuz I got a CD of his from a dude in Texas? :p

That was a good album. Of course, very weird, but nice.

Re Ben_t: I like Satanic Art quite a bit, too.
These are all recent hauls.

From J. (all promos; thanks man!):
Amorphis - Silent Waters (this is a pain in the ass though, each track is divided into like 20 separate sections...fucking gay)
Limbonic Art - Legacy Of Evil
Tjolgtjar - Five Tjolgtjarian Keys (actually this isn't a promo, I lied)
Tulus - Biography Obscene
DeathGasm Records Sampler 2007

From the noise show a few nights ago:
Irukandji - [Prey For Me I-V] LP
Irukandji - [Rust I-VIII] 3" CD
Broken Diode - Traumatic Hallucinations cassette
and a CDr live recording of a show I played where my set sounds like ass...oh well, can't win 'em all (or even close to that it seems!)

From Mutilated Records for Slam-Minded reviewing purposes (check the blog):
Anal Blast - Assault On The Hot Wet Blood Hole (pretty meh)
My Plague - Mechanical Infection (very good)
Spreading The Sickness Vol. 1 Sampler (rather good, some shit though)

How is the Tulus record. I really, really want that one.
Type O Negative: bloody kisses
Stabbing Westward: wither blister burn + peel, darkest days.
6 pack of bacardi raz(tastes like slush puppies!)
New jeans
Symphony X - Paradise Lost
Symphony X - Twilight In Olympus
Symphony X - The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell
Black Sabbath - Mob Rules
Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer
Onslaught - The Force
Destruction - Thrash Anthems
Destruction - Inventor Of Evil
Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon