Post your hauls here

Deicide - Legion
Carcass - Nectroticism
Akercocke - Antichrist

Now, I saw two copies of Opeth - Deliverance in the used section at the store. I almost bought one even though I'm expecting a new copy to come in on Monday and had I been able to stop the special order, I would have picked it up.
Drudkh - Estrangement CD
Summoning - Lugburz CD
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist CD
Divine Eve - Upon These Ashes Scorn the World CD
Absu - Tara CD
Kaamos - Scales of Leviathan MCD
Mandatory - ...Where They Bleed MCD
Nocturnal Graves - Necromancer EP
War Ripper - Hell Storm EP
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D LP
I actually had it for a few days, but waited to list it until the rest of the orders came in. I'll try to be quicker next time.
I would appreciate that. It fucking kills, no? I especially love A Somber Blossoming (Soulsflight) and Innocence Lost. And who can't help but love the faithfully rendered Celtic Frost and Sodom classics?
Indeed, the groove they place into the songs without losing the aggression is excellent. Also, that Sodom cover is killer!
You need to stop looking at Darkthrone as they were in 1994 imo. But that's not really your kind of music anyway, so I'm really not surprised that you see it differently.
You need to stop looking at Darkthrone as they were in 1994 imo.

I am not looking at them has they were in 1994. I like their new sound. Sardonic Wrath is a tremendous album. The Cult Is Alive is also good along with F.O.A.D but I just find Fenriz to be trying to sound like he somehow hates every form of metal past 1988. Which he has stated before. Its just absurd to act like there has been nothing else good released in a while. Maybe he is doing that to fuck with us. If he is, more power to him.

But that's not really your kind of music anyway, so I'm really not surprised that you see it differently.

Was this a serious comment or just an asshole comment?
I don't think Motorhead/Rock/Punk influenced Black Metal is your kind of music, especially based on your reaction to Fenriz's "antics."
I don't think Motorhead/Rock/Punk influenced Black Metal is your kind of music, especially based on your reaction to Fenriz's "antics."

Wait so my reaction to how someone acts in interviews and presents them selfs to the public replaces how much I enjoy the music, which is quite a lot?
New record player!

Iron Maiden - The Number of the Beast LP
Goatlord - Reflections of the Solstice LP
The Misfits - Earth A.D. LP
The Doors - Alive, She Cried LP
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark