Post your hauls here

That is far to many exclamation points. In real life, such exitement would cause your bowels to release your organs and spontaniously burst into flames whilest your eyes are propelled across the room at mach 2.

...which is oddly somewhat descriptive of the cover art.

Tonight I got me:
A 4 GB Ipod. It's going to take me forever to even use it though because Itunes is such a big file and itll take me a few sessions on 28K to use it.
Dimmu Borgir-Enthrone Darkness Triumphant. I like EDT, itll just take a few listens to take it all in, I like Shagrath's vocals on the newer stuff better though than on here. I really like Stian Aarstad's keyboard playing though.
Recent buys:
Embryonic Depravity Shirt
Septycal Gorge Shirt
Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds Of Decay
Some sort of Mutilated Records compilation CD that came with the Septycal Gorge shirt and CD combo... I guess it doesn't really count since I didn't pay for it, but whatever.
Now both you and CC own that shirt, and I don't...I have a Down From The Wound one, though...and both CC and I have Defleshuary shirts that Rick sent us for free...which you don't have! Hah!

Also, if that comp. CD is Spreading The Sickness Vol. 1 (not Vol. 2), read my review here (like a bit of the way down). It's great, and has SOURPUZ, THE BEST BAND NO ONE'S HEARD OF!
Now both you and CC own that shirt, and I don't...I have a Down From The Wound one, though...and both CC and I have Defleshuary shirts that Rick sent us for free...which you don't have! Hah!
Also, if that comp. CD is Spreading The Sickness Vol. 1 (not Vol. 2), read my review here (like a bit of the way down). It's great, and has SOURPUZ, THE BEST BAND NO ONE'S HEARD OF!
Yeah, that's the one, I haven't listened past the first few tracks yet.