Post your hauls here

My complements to whoever compared that album to Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk/I]. It was that comparison that prompted me to buy it
finally in the mail..

Eastern Hammer - Graveland/Temnozor/Nokturnal Mortem/North split
Crypt of Kerberos - World of Myths
Nifelheim - Servants of Darkness
Morrigan - The Damned
Hail - Inheritance of Evilness (FUCK YES)
finally in the mail..

Eastern Hammer - Graveland/Temnozor/Nokturnal Mortem/North split
Crypt of Kerberos - World of Myths
Nifelheim - Servants of Darkness
Morrigan - The Damned
Hail - Inheritance of Evilness (FUCK YES)

Quite the haul!

I just got the Eastern Hammer split yesterday too. All the tracks, with the exception of the poor re-recording of 'Kolyada' by Nokturnal Mortum, are very cool. Particularly the new version of 'Did-Dub-Snop' by Temnozor. Awesome stuff.
Testament - Demonic reissue
Michael Angelo - No Boundaries
A pair of black corduroys
A new wallet

I don't quite fit back into a size 36 yet. A few more pounds and I should be there.
I have to wear a belt for size 30
Crazy book haul tonight:

Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Voltaire - Candide
James Joyce - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Dubliners
Edgar Allan Poe - Complete Tales and Poems (leather-bound)

My dad also bought Light This City's Remains of the Gods, which isn't too bad, but rather static.

Still haven't gotten my Unleashed CD...
Spawn of Possession "Noctambalant" --- I don't know how anyone who likes Death Metal could dislike this. It is kind of jumbled sounding at times, but there are also times of pure brilliance. Top notch musicianship for the genre.

Dave Martone "A Demon's Dream" --- I've only listened to this a few times & it's very forgetful so far, but extremely good. Great music to really think about & get into as you listen to it.

Dave Martone "Zone" --- Now this seems to be where I draw the line for instrumental guitar music. Somewhat bland production. Everything just seems thrown together. It seems really quirky which is good, but it will be hard to really delve into this album as it doesn't seem to have much for me.

Spastic Ink "Ink Compatible" --- The sporadic vocals are 'meh' but the playing is great as always. This is mostly instrumental. Superb production & a very rewarding overall feel to this album. I've listened to it about 8 times in the last week & I've still not came close to grasping it yet, but that's good. It's nowhere near as difficult to grasp as his first album, however...

Tusk "The Resisting Dreamer" --- Been listening to a ton of weird stuff lately & avant-garde is a genre I've become very fond of. This is not all out avant-garde really, but it's just kind of annoying. Well, that may be a strong word, but this really is a bit boring to me so far. Last track is not really "ambience" I would say, but it's about half noise & it is the best track. It's 15 minutes & there are only 4 tracks. I don't know if this will really grow on me, but I need to get it to sink in a little bit so I can write a legitimate review for this at another site.

Maudlin of the Well "My Fruit Phychobells... A Seed Combustible" --- What can I say about this band? Great rewarding avant-garde shit. Not nearly as good as "Bath" but still always a treat to listen to.

I'm on a weird shit & shred binge in case you haven't noticed :heh: I've even been listening to loads of Tony Macaline & Steve Vai. Metal has really been taking the backseat with me lately.
Crazy book haul tonight:

Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Voltaire - Candide
James Joyce - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Dubliners
Edgar Allan Poe - Complete Tales and Poems (leather-bound)

My dad also bought Light This City's Remains of the Gods, which isn't too bad, but rather static.

Still haven't gotten my Unleashed CD...
I'm still waiting on my Ulver CD too, I should've ordered from Relapse because I would've got it by now instead of trusting the place 6 hours away to get it to me in a couple days, it's been 10 days.:erk:
Spawn of Possession "Noctambalant" --- I don't know how anyone who likes Death Metal could dislike this. It is kind of jumbled sounding at times, but there are also times of pure brilliance. Top notch musicianship for the genre.

Can you honestly not see why somebody would not like this atrocious sampling of excrement?
Yesterday we went to FYE so I picked up Gorgoroth- Pentagram and Isahn- The Adversary. Pentagram is a pretty good black metal album, I quite enjoy it. The Adversary is, well, different, but its very good. Its hard to describe. Some of it distinctly reminds me of Symphony X actually, some parts are like black power metal, as silly as that sounds. Its sweet.
I think so, yeah. STAY AWAY FROM MEGATONE, it's absolute SHIT.

Also, I just won this yesterday on eBay (for a penny + shipping):

Lesbian - Power Hor

And I'm currently winning bids for (CHEAP) copies of

Aversion To Life - Ritualized Murder
Brimstone - Carving A Crimson Career
Anata - Under A Stone With No Inscription