Post your hauls here

A friend showed em to me AWHILE ago and I really forgot about em(just ilke Jumpin Jesus which you mentioned in another thread >_>) cheap? are you selling by chance? im interested

Selling? ...I just bought it. The point of this thread is to post things you buy or otherwise receive, music-wise. No way am I selling it :p

A few stores may be selling it; I got it from Deathgasm, and BASAR USA has it also.
Sold some cds and lps to Amoeba and got store credit and picked up the following:

Klabautamann - Our Journey through the Woods
Dantalion - When the Ravens Fly Over Me
Bifrost - The Wildest Fire
Solitude - From Within
Afterlife - Surreality
Acrophet - Corrupt Minds
Bifrost :kickass: Afterlife :kickass:

Just bought these for a grand total of $9.50 including shipping at Red Stream:

Fatima Hill - Valhalla (from the sample I heard this is like...raw old-school power metal with...heavy metal influences and it's just really fucking epic)

Neotruth - 32' 42" Short Infinity (apparently really good prog death)
yeah I listened to the Afterlife cd on the ride home. Really solid death metal. Not bad for a blind purchase

I haven't listened to the Bifrost cd, but I've heard Pagan Reality er whatever and enjoyed it, so I know what I'm in for
How is Worldfall?

I like it.

"Worldfall" is a good song, but it's too over produced and layered with somewhat cheesy effects at times.
"Depravity" is a decent song that sounds like it didn't make it onto Instict:decay.
"Solitary Voyage" (a rerecording off of Demise) is simply not as good as the orginal to me; mainly because I love the guitar tone and the atmosphere on Demise.
"Rose Clouds of Holocaust" (a Death in June cover) is the highlight of this release for me. They did an excellent job on this song. The guitar tone is ideal for the style (especially the lead), and the balance between the clean vocals and the harsh vocals are perfect. My only complaint about is that it's only 3 minutes and 20 seconds long - I'd like to hear this one stretched out a little longer.
"IV" (a goatsnake cover) Blake enjoys Greg Anderson's music. It seems to me that they were jamming on this song, recorded it, and threw it on the album to make it longer; but I don't see anything wrong with that since it's a cool song.
From NWN:

Ignivomous t-shirt (pic)
Morbosidad - Profana la Cruz del Nazareno CD
Xibalba - Ancients CD

From some dude on eBay who rules:
Last Days of Humanity - Putrefaction in Progress
Disgorge - Gore Blessed To The Worms
for $7.50 total. Including shipping :lol:
Just ordered:
High On Fire - Death Is This Communion
Job For A Cowboy - Genesis
I got the JFAC album because I was impressed by their set and it was pretty cheap.