Post your hauls here

you poser


Well I successfully raided FYE today. There was a bunch of used cds and they had a deal, buy 3 used get 1 used free, so I had to hit up that deal.
Gorgoroth- Incipit Satan
Gorgoroth- Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Emperor- IX Equilibrium
Emperor- Scattered Ashes
Cradle of Filth- Cruelty and the Beast
50 bucks for 5 cds, not too shabby.
Great Haul. How're the CD's? I'm supposed to be getting me IX Equilibrium along with a Meshuggah-Destroy Erase Improve shirt soon from koude Haat.
I listened to a bit and so far I am liking my haul. Listened to most of IX Equilibrium, badass. It will take a while for all these albums to sink in and become part of my regular repertoire.
on the way home for work I got for the equivalent of $20US total second hand:

Krisiun - "Works of Carnage"
Kirisiun - "Southern Storm"
Cattle Decapitation - "Karma.Bloody.Karma"
Naglfar - "Harvest" (CD/DVD)
Emperor - "IX Equlibirum"

all in perfect condition... :headbang::kickass:
So I visited the Gung-Ho shop in Prague today for the first time.. I've bought Absu - Tara and Nile - Ithypallic but it was quite expensive for my tastes..
Just ordered from Sevared:

Poppy Seed Grinder - Humanophobia
Kataplexia - Supreme Authority
Blaze Inside - Pure Potenciality

+ free stuff:

Defleshuary - Promo 2008

and either

Grotesque Formation - Basement Decompositions
Ingurgitate - Blackest Origins...

Also, hey SAOF, good picks on Satanic Warmaster. He may be a fruitcakey bastard but everything I've heard by him (which is most of his work) is excellent.
Just ordered through Metal Disc:

Abigor - Nachthymnen / Orkblut: The Retaliation
Diabolicum - The Grandeur of Hell
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Well, given the Abigor is a two-for-one bundle, the Nokturnal Mortum is on sale, and the Diabolicum album is somewhat rare, I'd say it was worth the 40 bucks.
^You could've also got the Abigor 2 for 1 CD package on Moribund Cult, it probably woulda been 15-16$ total or so, maybe a little more.
Just ordered through Metal Disc:

Abigor - Nachthymnen / Orkblut: The Retaliation
Diabolicum - The Grandeur of Hell
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns

yes fucking goat horns fucking abifor i listened o that today... man its ooggdo mETAL