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MT Review of GNR's Chinese Democracy

Overall, way too much hype of this one! Can you believe that they would actually put someone in jail over "Chinese Democracy"? Hmmm ironic.

Well it is good to hear Axl again with something new. This is going to be one of those records in which you will have to hear numerous times to let it seep in past your bad blood for the years of waiting. But listening to it, it is around average, maybe a little bit better just because.
I think the album is average but since it is GNR I give it a little more props. Axl has his voice and keeps the dragging songs strong. If he wasn't in this band it would not be listened to. There are a few good tracks off this album but nothing impressive. I give it a 5 out of 10.

Track #

1. Chinese Democracy-

This has got to be the best song on this album. It has a really good vibe, great movement to the song and the solo rips all the way through. On a personal note I have found myself humming the melody of it, so it does has resonance and will hold up.

2. Shackler's Revenge-
This song has the groove that was needed to get on the air. A lot of weird guitar parts in it which sounds pretty good, a little over produced and not raw enough for that GNR feel. But it is pretty good, great hook in the chorus and Axl delivers at times which is pretty impressive.
Cont'd GNR Review

MT Review of Chinese Democracy

3. Better-

This must be the "girl getting song" off it. Can someone say November Rain but modernized with more guitar. I like this song and very catchy, good crunchy guitar and I think that pulls the song off. Good song! My compliments to the chef!

4. Street of Dreams-

Almost lost me at the beginning with the "November Rain part 2" sound with the piano. Axl really rips in this one. Great vocal range and at times can give you chills. Good song, the vocals rule in this one. And remember NR2 when you hear it.

5. If the World-

Wow, is that flamenco/salsa with a porn driven guitar in the background? I'll buy that. This song has a lot of sampling in it keep your ears out for it. I could hear this song in a lounge, but with a few long haired guitarist hiding in the background. It's probably the most dragging song on here.

6. There Was a Time-

Sampling starts this one again, a trend of whats to come? The songs drags but has a good hook in the chorus. The lyrics are really good. Good job on that.

7. Catcher In The Rye-

Ok piano again. Is this Axl's Beatles record? I am not feeling this song. It is too much like a Beatles song and not like a GNR song. Not sleazy enough, well there isn't any at all. La, la la la la,,, what the hell is that?

8. Scraped -

This song tries to pull it off pretty heavy but the intro doesn't se it up. I guess that is a good thing. This is a pretty good song. Good guitarwork in this one and the lyrics are superb and the hook is prevalent throughout the song. Meaning the verses are very strong as well as the chorus.

9. Riad n'The Bedouins-

Sampling starts this one. It is pretty blah throughout the whole song. The lyrics are really good. But it is just blah.

10. Sorry-

All you Pink Floyd fans should like this one. Give it a listen and you will think he got the backup band from PF. Axl keeps the song flowing, good vocals and midway the guitars pick up and saves the song. Yeah Pink Floyd all the way. Good mellow song with some good guitar riffs in there.

11. I.R.S.-

Samples start this one. This is about one of the best songs off this one, too bad it was leaked a few years back. Great song from beginning to end. Axl is right on target with this one and has some deep guitar that makes you think of Sabbath. I like that! Good solo also. Overall one of the best tracks off this one!

12. Madagascar-

Good song for a ballad on this one. Very catchy throughout and the vocals or on par. I like this one. Strong throughout the entire song and Axl put emotion into this song and it works. Great job.

13. This I Love-

Piano and Axl. Don't get me wrong this is a good song. Axl rules this song and it works. Very catchy feel to it. I am thinking Scorpions with this one. Get the lighters out for this one!! Good solo in it, great transition from the mellow and the Spanish feel to it. Good work on that part.

14. Prostitute-

Sampling starts it off. Mellow and a piano follows it. Transition throughout the song is superb. I enjoy this song. Definitely is not cruising music but it will relax you and take you through the journey that you were just in for with the album. Guitar solo was short but it needed it. Axl's voice is still strong and maintains this song.

So get your butt over to Best Buy and pick up a copy of it!
Sentenced - Shadows of the Past (first pressing)

Won it for $10.50 but I failed to notice the outrageous shipping price which was $8. Oh well, still somewhat of a steal considering the rarity of that pressing.
Just got these in the mail from various places over the past couple of days:

Acid Witch - Witchtanic Hellucinations
Angel Witch - s/t(25th Anniversary Extended Version!)
Behexen - My Soul For His Glory
Darkthrone - Dark Thrones and Black Flags
Grand Belial's Key - Mocking the Philanthropist
Sodom - In The Sign of Evil/Obsessed By Cruelty