Active Member
How much?
Im paying 115 for the set, so like 12 each? is that cool?
How much?
Finally decided to buy this:
Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy, Individual Thought Patterns, Human, and Spiritual Healing.
All remastered giant digipak box set. Numbered to 1000.
Holy christ:Smokin:
Yeah, great haul.
Got this today. Number 326/1000. Trying to decide whether or not to open it... it's so.. shiny.
new hooded menace is out? fuck i gotta stop spending money!
It's not technically released yet, but Profound Lore is shipping it if you order from them, like they do with all of their releases.
The Vasaeleth album is cool.
Bought the new Wormed single... hope it comes in a CD case and not a cardboard cover... heh... fucking hate cardboard covers.