Post your hauls here

Finally decided to buy this:


Scream Bloody Gore, Leprosy, Individual Thought Patterns, Human, and Spiritual Healing.

All remastered giant digipak box set. Numbered to 1000.

Holy christ:Smokin:

Yeah, great haul. :kickass:

Got this today. Number 326/1000. Trying to decide whether or not to open it... it's so.. shiny. :cry:
Latest stuff:

From Profound Lore Records.
Hooded Menace - Never Cross The Dead
Aosoth - Aosoth

From a trade with J.
Incantation - The Infernal Storm
Incantation - Primordial Domination
Bought these yesterday:

Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro pro Eternus
Burzum - Belus
Epica - Design Your Universe
Nile - Those Whom the Gods Detest
Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery

I know, I'm a little late :p :lol:
Does anyone know an online store where i can buy this exact shirt?

I've tried numerous places, but they only seem to stock the Grey/Red version of this and i already have that one..


Gomorrah - Gomorrah
Burial Hordes - Devotion To Unholy Creed
Burial Hordes - War, Revenge & Total Annihilation
Demontage - The Principal Extinction
Ereb Altor - The End
Bloody Sign - Chaos Echoes
Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill
Slauter Xstroyes - Free The Beast
Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness
Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption
Nunslaughter - Demoslaughter
Morbid Angel - Abominations Of Desolation
+ Vanhelgd T-shirt
Valkyrie- Valkyrie LP
Ares Kingdom- Incendiary Die Hard Pic LP
Ares Kingdom- Firestorm Redemption EP
Order from Chaos "Conqueror of Fear" shirt

Got these at the Chicago OFC show. Quite a deal with the Incendiary die hard only being $20 and the EP $5.