Post your hauls here

found this slightly used at a random record shop, only 30 bucks
both lps had a ton of dust and hair on them but i cleaned them both

they also had 2 acid witch lps, one of them was stoned pressed on one of the rarer colors iirc, should have picked them up
their prices were actually pretty great
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Apologies for the trash quality but my camera is fucked so I had to use the webcam. Nekro Drunkz's new CD plus a long sleeve with the album art. Boys were kind enough to sign it for me.

It also came with a mega-massive poster of the cover art and a cool ceramic toilet sculpture limited to like 15.

Some CDs lately:

Rompeprop - Gargle Cummics
Rompeprop / Gut - Masters of Gore mini-CD
Purulent Spermcanal - Have the Munchies
Cuntgrinder - ...The Day of Judgement
Cuntgrinder - Reign Is Continued
BxSxRx - Small Archive of Pigs (Bandcamp digital wasn't enough, I had to own a physical copy of this retarded discography-compilation of Norwegian grindcore history)
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Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka
Nile - Ithyphallic
Nile - Vile Nilotic Rites
System of a Down - Hypnotize
System of a Down - Mesmerize
System of a Down - Steal this Album!
Pride & Glory - S/T (LP)
The Mermen - Krill Slippin'
Six Feet Under - Haunted
Fear Factory - Obsolete
Fear Factory - Soul of a New Machine
Found a quality Dave Brubeck compilation at JB Hifi for $5.00 recently. Gotta love how underappreciated jazz is in our day & age.
Good Saturday night here. (Well Sunday morning now)

snagged a copy of The County Medical Examiners debut album on eBay.
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Hells headbangers is using Black Friday to roast their overstock titles.

they have hundreds of CDs for $3.33 each.
15% off everything else in the store

nuclear blast US has many CDs $3-5 and a lot of cheap vinyl.

SoM has 20% off

NWN had 30% off all but their newest items last I checked.
Hells headbangers is using Black Friday to roast their overstock titles.

they have hundreds of CDs for $3.33 each.
15% off everything else in the store

Thanks for this. Picked up some stuff that I've been wanting for a while:

Gorod - Neurotripsicks
Gorod - Leading Vision
Raunchy - Confusion Bay
Cianide - A Descent Into Hell
Marty Friedman - Introduction
Grip, Inc. - Solidify
Fates Warning - Inside Out
Enforsaken - The Forever Endeavor
Discreation - End of Days
Dew-Scented - Impact
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Some stuff I’ve bought lately:


Them - Manor of the Se7en Gables

The County Medical Examiners - Forensic Fugues and Medicolegal Melodies
Sodom - Til Death Do Us Part
Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race
Ogre - Thrice as Strong
Orodruin - Ruins of Eternity
Abhor - Vehementia
After Dark - Masked by Midnight
Anguish - Magna est Vis Siugnah
Crucifyre - Post Vulcanic Black
Decomposed - Devouring
Dzo-Nga - The Sachem’s Tales
Graveyard - For Thine is Darkness
Valkyrie’s Cry - s/t


Blue Holocaust - Flesh for the Cannibal God
Lord Gore - Scalpels for Blind Surgeons
Nekro Drunkz - Terminal Perversion
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Non bootleg, first time on disc. Restored/remastered. @TechnicalBarbarity

My old lady is hooking me up pretty good so far this Christmas. She also hinted I have more vinyl in store tomorrow.
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Two more of the Christmas presents my fiancee got me. Got a couple more coming in late, apparently.
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