Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

I wish I could change my account name here to Molten_Marley

And this is a FULL on SOLO PROJECT which will be a full band live.
And I might have posted my music once but I have a bit of updated content and well. I wish someone can check my music out. If you listen to many of these tracks [which in a few months will have vocals] then you'd see how much of a different act my act is. Sure a great amount of it can be pushed in the industrial metal/electronic metal/rock/alternative metal/avant-garde category but I wish you all can give a nice listen to several of the tracks. I know... I'm not a extreme metal act in the terms of melo death, death metal and black metal or a chuggy metalcore band but I'd wish for you all to check out Sevendipity... Vocals to come in a few months btw

UPDATE: NEW SONG FINISHED: 1/29/11 First new finished instrumental done for the year. Curb Stomping Season


This took quite sometime to type.

Well anyways this is my one man band project Sevendipity which can also be spelled as 7Dipity or Sevendipity. The name comes from the word serendipity which means to look for one thing but find another accidentally which is a lot of my life and also there is a phrase within the name.

Sevendipity, Seven did pity, Seven Did Pity who? Me? The seven sins did pity me for the life I had walked. What does this mean? This means the serendipity I have came across in my life with the Seven Deadly Sins and how I've indulged in so much of those sins that the sins their selves pity me.

My early drive was to go for electro-punk/electronica
but then I wanted to indulge in industrial rock and then incorporate some metal and then add some DnB/Dub sequences and then add some psychedelic/trippy influences and then EBM and groove metal and like experiment a harsher sound and more and more experimentation. I don't easilly fall into one or 3 genres anymore. However the most domineering but not dominant genre would in the end be industrial metal/alternative metal but all those things mesh with it. I guess...

From what sums up everything
The sound has incorporated and has:
Electronic Rock, Alternative Metal, Industrial Metal, Industrial Rock, EBM, Drum n Bass, Dubstep, Darkwave, Dark Ambient, Groove Metal, Experimental Metal, Avant Garde Rock/Metal, Psychedelic Rock, 8-bit/blip-blop Trance, 'Psycho'delic rock XDXD, some material can have some punk significance and like there is more you could see. It's quite a bit of weird shit...

I shall show you in 2 categories.
Finished Instrumentals

These are like finished songs but however do not have vocals yet because I don't have a mic. I have no Idea how your speakers are because my speakers suck so I always have to worry about sound being loud enough at times.

And well anyways.

Here is Sevendipity/7Dipity

This song is a bit of intense in your face electronica, alternative metal, some groovy drums and has a bit of a ambient industrial parts. I hope the drums sound audible enough.

1. "Above Me"

This next song is industrial metal pretty much... mixed with like alternative metal/punkish rhythms and bit of finger work. It's a bit clubby if you are among fucking goths ROTFL. The song lyrics to be is inspired total gangstar foar lyfe. Larry Hoover. Nether the less. Here is Larry Hoover. I love the ending...

2. "Larry Hoover"

This song is just heavy as fuck. Simply experimental metal and industrial metal with a high pumping booty bass drum beat and pure adrenaline mixed with deliriousness.

3. "Curb Stomping Season"

You know Deftones Bored Song they made in the mid 90s on their first album...


Well I made a electro-industrial alt metal cover to it. It's has a grindy noise to it at times and wavy wavy sounds. 90s vibe to me.

4. "Bored" (Deftones Cover)

This next song is quite heavy. It's starts with a psychedelic like rock intro, gets dark and gritty as fuck and then turns into a full out industrial metal song with like alt metal/groove metal like riffs. And then gets weird for a few seconds and gets really really really trippy and then gets back into the song for a heavy finish. Quite some heavy shit.

5. Mediocre Times

This is like electronica mixed with psychedelic or what I call for this. 'Psycho'delic/'psycho'delic rock. Its quite a bit of chunky alternative metal and some industrial grittiness later on but really really this song is fucking trippy and quite odd.

6. (This song does not have a title yet.)

This next song is both groovy and heavy. I love the guitar distortion on this. It's like some DnB/Dubstep like shit at one point and then turns into some groove alternative metal shit and these electronic elements. It's electronic metal at some points. It doesn't come off industrial like to me in my opinion unless you loosen up your mind and think God Lives Underwater (band) is Industrial Metal/Rock which they are if you don't stricken definitions. It's far from experimental as other tracks in my opinion but I like it.

7. (This song does not have a title yet.)

This next song I made when I was high as fuck during the night into the morning on November. I kept working on it while high. Its just a smooth industrial dub-step electro bass song. It's relaxing. Vocally I shall go abstract and ambient with it. The piano ending on this is so beautiful.

8. (This song does not have a title yet.)

IDK why I made this. I suppose this could be a bonus track. IDK what genre is this. It's just weird me playing the piano keyboard, programming bass weirdly and then adding a constant drum rhythm. I can't define this. I hate defining my music because you have to break it down but nether the less. Here is this weird ass song.

9. (This bonus song does not have a title yet.)


Incomplete Songs

So that's all the complete instrumentals I have done. Now I shall show you some incomplete songs in the works. Some instruments, drums, guitar, bass even may be missing and the track is incomplete, there may be more parts to be done and other parts to be altered. Even the genres you may think it is possibly will alter.

"Placebo Joe"

"Embrace My Sex"

(This incomplete song has yet to have a name.)

"Paper Cuts" (Nirvana Cover)

(This incomplete song has yet to have a name.)

"Gonna Get Money"



Some Middle Part:

Another middle part:


So that's what I've been working on since Late August to now with a few hiatuses. Honest opinions would be great and well. I have my worries in my past but honesty and comments and opinions and what genres you think I am and other shit would be appreciated. Please I hope you gave a good listen to the tracks and I thank you so much.
New song by me, really fast. What genre is this?

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Hey everyone, I'm new here and I have to say, this site is very useful. There seems to be a lot of genuinely good people here(for the most part anyway).

I have been working on a project now for a little over two years. I have very minimal recording equipment, and even less knowledge of audio engineering. I have recently mixed/mastered my first EP. I have no band, or anything really to perform with, and it kind of sucks. Anyway, would you guys be kind enough to take a listen, and let me know what you think?

They're posted here!/stephenhubbard

If you want come back with criticism please. I want to know if things such as length, repetition, etc are any issue.

Thanks a lot in advance!! God bless
Hey everyone, I'm new here and I have to say, this site is very useful. There seems to be a lot of genuinely good people here(for the most part anyway).

I have been working on a project now for a little over two years. I have very minimal recording equipment, and even less knowledge of audio engineering. I have recently mixed/mastered my first EP. I have no band, or anything really to perform with, and it kind of sucks. Anyway, would you guys be kind enough to take a listen, and let me know what you think?

They're posted here!/stephenhubbard

If you want come back with criticism please. I want to know if things such as length, repetition, etc are any issue.

Thanks a lot in advance!! God bless

Hey, just on the second track now, the first one sounded great, although I say this as someone who is writing something very similar right now- if you find it in the future, it's not a rip, we're on similar lines. The chorus that is, that kinda trancey sound and progression. The second track the guitars are straight up the middle instead of where they are on the first? Still, the sound is good, and your playing is tight, and the vocals are good too. Will keep listening, good job :)
Yeah, I'm still a total newb when it comes to mixing and things like that. To me its all a learning process. But thank you very much for the compliments. Some of the songs were recorded with different settings :( (my mistake) I'm working on some new stuff, some of the songs I feel are either too repetitive, or there arent enough dynamics instrumentally.
hey everyone, the are 2 of my drum covers, enjoy!

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Yeah, I'm still a total newb when it comes to mixing and things like that. To me its all a learning process. But thank you very much for the compliments. Some of the songs were recorded with different settings :( (my mistake) I'm working on some new stuff, some of the songs I feel are either too repetitive, or there arent enough dynamics instrumentally.

the first track i thought was very strong, the second less so, sorry i haven't got to the others yet. i think repetition can be a strength, but i also like a bit of tonal variety amid that kinda vibe, as the smallest change when you're locked into a sound or a groove can make a huge different, it's about the little things in hypnotic/ repetitive stuff IMO.
Amrita is a christian post-hardcore band from Fevik in Norway. The band started in 2009 by the drummer Mathias and the guitarist/vocalist Markus.

Andreas joined the band as vocal after a while and at this moment the band started to take a shape.

Kevin and David joined at the start of 2010.
After recording the first demo called; " Hands of Eternity " in 2010 the band have been playing at ex.

Skjærgårds live, BiG, School-Prom, Ukm, and so on. Amrita has also played at Nordicfest in Oslo together with Demon Hunter, Benea Reach and I Shot Alice.


Amrita is a band that provides everything for the music and will do whatever it takes to make a satisfied audience!

Please, become our fan on facebook HERE;

Here is our myspace:

Here's also two videos on youtube, one of them is filmed with my Ipod Touch 4g. And it was pretty dark there, but as long you can hear something. Please give tell us what you think :)

Amrita - Tartarus

Amrita - Answers

Please subscribe to
for upcoming videos!

And yeah, I'm Kevin from the band who's writing this (The guy to the left on the image), and if you wanna know why my headbanging sucks in the "Answers" video is it because I've never headbanged before I joined this band, so I was pretty much an amatour to headbang, it looks pretty weird, and I'm getting better now, it's alot better actually. :)

Anyway, please check us out and give us feedbacks. We have 9 self-written songs, and we'll try to get them recorded in a real studio soon :)

Cheers :)
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