Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

Terrible habit in my opinion. I only ever like to layer when I am doing highs and lows at the same time or it's a point for gang vocals. Oh and the over use of echos haha. The substance and girth should either come naturally or with use of proper mixing, reverb and echo.

Once you guys are using better mics you shouldn't have a problem with the substance honestly. I'm looking forward to hearing it then.

I'm actually waiting on a new mic I ordered a while back so when I get it Ill try some different technques. I appericiate you taking the time to cretique it though!

In the mean time, if you or anyone else is interested, heres a few other pieces I've done with Asylum or other "bands"!/video/video.php?v=1801305309231!/video/video.php?v=1806419437081!/video/video.php?v=1740519629627

Granted, all of which are not the greatest quality of recording, especially since the Ascension videos were mostly all recorded at once instead of multi-tracking, but just thoughtt some people mght find them interesting.
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Hay forum members, I'm kinda new here ... but! i have this great band i found on myspace you should check out.

If you like heavy \Thrash \ Hard rock music this is definitely something you should check out.

im also looking for other cool underground / unheared thrash metal bands you are all welcome to recmmedn them to me.
Horns up
I'm not the biggest fan of Doom metal, in fact, its one kind of metal I try to stay away from, but this was actually really cool.

Thanks dude! This is actually the second time I've heard this.... hmm. Well hopefully if non-doom fans like it, the doomers will even more! hehe
I have tryed to growl by my self this time

Please give me som feedback :kickass:

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This is a great thread. Where's it been all my life!

Check out this new track, complete with vox - it's pretty sleazy and melodic overall, but the second half turns into a nice dark groove :Smokedev:

Would love to know what you think of the song and the production. If you like, get in touch, cos I'm open to working with other musicians / bands remotely. SoundCloud is pretty good for collaborating :)

Hi guys, can you tell me your opinions about my solo project Crowstorm? Its influenced with amon amarth and opeth mostly.

It's a demo version, will be re-recorded for sure.
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I put together this a few weeks ago:

It is going to be the single that no one buys/cares about, from the tOCK debut album that I think is important but only close friends and family will buy.
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Hi guys, can you tell me your opinions about my solo project Crowstorm? Its influenced with amon amarth and opeth mostly.

It's a demo version, will be re-recorded for sure.

Sounds v promising man. I like the growl and the feel of the riff. In the quiet section in the middle i feel you need something to help fill the soundscape a little more, but melodically i think its good. If anything, this section could even come earlier? Then the first riff might also stay a little fresher as it would be used for less time at the beginning. Something to experiment with if its easy to do in your DAW perhaps...

Look fwd to the produced version!

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I put together this a few weeks ago:

It is going to be the single that no one buys/cares about, from the tOCK debut album that I think is important but only close friends and family will buy.

Hey man had a watch of this. This is v cool! The production value is pretty good! I like the ultra slow mo shots of cymbals and strings etc... The playing is also v tight which makes the while thing sound much more pro than a lot of stuff out there. I can feel the energy and also a little healthy humour in this video.

Things I think can be improved: there's a stabby type sound in the mix, which either sounds like an over-zealous bass or a synth part or something... It's a little distracting, but if it's possible to keep just some of the percussive elements of that sound it could be of benefit.

The effects on the vocals add some character, but it's difficult to hear the words - this is something which comes down to taste, but I reckon less effects and more compression perhaps would work well. Your singer sounds decent esp towards the end in the higher register, so why not bring it out a little more?

This one is a little more tricky... But the riff sounds a little stock to me. VERY well executed and will make for great mosh pits at gigs etc... But feel like I've heard songs like this before.

Finally, I think you guys would be great live! but potential punters could get a little depressed by the couple of posts I've seen you put up eg "no one will care about the single", "we'll gig, but only if there's demand". Don't undersell yourselves. Besides gigging is usually the way to create demand :)

Hope this helps, I look fwd to hearing more!

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Hey all. Just signed up on the site. I'll go cruising around giving my feed back in a little bit. Here's the first DIY me and another dude did.

Let me know if anybody digs the style or has advise on the mix. Thanks.

Oh and the pick ups are stock in a Jackson RR3 so, I'm tyring to get my guitarist to get some 81/85 or blackouts
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his is my song its slightly melodic death metal its guitar only
it sounds like unleashed and hypocrisy but no where as good lol.. i made it into a youtube vid
with a pic featuring artwork i put together
and it can also be heard here
please give it a listen! i have been looking all over the web trying to find metal forums so i can just get heard i hope you all will like my song =):flame: