Nikoli Bearcrusher
Determined to Destroy
Terrible habit in my opinion. I only ever like to layer when I am doing highs and lows at the same time or it's a point for gang vocals. Oh and the over use of echos haha. The substance and girth should either come naturally or with use of proper mixing, reverb and echo.
Once you guys are using better mics you shouldn't have a problem with the substance honestly. I'm looking forward to hearing it then.
I'm actually waiting on a new mic I ordered a while back so when I get it Ill try some different technques. I appericiate you taking the time to cretique it though!
In the mean time, if you or anyone else is interested, heres a few other pieces I've done with Asylum or other "bands"!/video/video.php?v=1801305309231!/video/video.php?v=1806419437081!/video/video.php?v=1740519629627
Granted, all of which are not the greatest quality of recording, especially since the Ascension videos were mostly all recorded at once instead of multi-tracking, but just thoughtt some people mght find them interesting.
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