Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

Here's an instrumental mix I did for a Ola Englund's mixing competition. Enjoy!

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Check out Mechanix - Enemy Within

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My band, Nekkar, from Greece.
We play Doom Metal with saxophone as a lead instrument.
Soon we will be releasing our first album.
Check our songs and comment.

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I really hope somebody likes these... If I had to give them a genre I'd say it's prog metal, but the production is all electronic.

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Hi metal fans!

My name is Nikolaj and I play in the danish band Mythery. We will release our debut album in the spring of 2013.

If you want, you can have a listen to three songs from the upcoming album here:

You are very welcome to give us your opinion about the music, whether you hate it to an unspeakable degree or you would like to spend the rest of your life in a dark cave alone without food or water - just listening to our music.


Nikolaj Holger
Hiya. I'm writing an album for my first solo project. I haven't found a name yet. Just demoed some songs. I'll start recording them properly when I have 60-80 minutes of arranged music and hopefully finish the album by the end of this year.

I'm looking for a versatile vocalist with character that would enrich these tunes. I will man the growling.

Anyone interested? send me the PM.

Let me know what you think.
A song I just started working on. Doing everything by myself, with programmed drums and recorded guitar with my Line 6 POD 2.0.
I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say. (Yes I know I'm not that great at guitar by the way)
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It took a while, but our first record is finally done and ready to download on Bandcamp. We would love to hear what you think of the song writing and the mixing. 4 Songs were recorded at a studio, and the other 3 were done in an apartment.

The best description I can give is guitar oriented, heavy metal, mixed with epic story telling and 7 string guitars. It is mostly low growls and screams, so if that's not your thing, just listen to mix and lemme know what you think. I know its not perfect, but I am eager to share.

Also if you can afford it, support us!

Check it out UM!

We just put our EP up on Bandcamp even though it came out almost a year ago. :bah:

It's up for free/pay if you want, so go download it and check us out!

01. Buried At Sea 06:27
02. Gaia Terminus 06:07
03. Born In A Spirit Temple 04:31
04. Intrinsic Frost 07:43
05. Lex Parsimoniae (Live Studio Demo) (Bonus Track) 07:00
Total playing time: 31:48

If you like what you hear, our full length album, Gaia Terminus, is currently being mastered and should be printed within a few months. Message me or find us on Facebook for more info.