post your pic.....

I like dogs too.

Here's mine, headbanging


Unfortunately he's getting very old, he can hardly move, and I love 'm so much :(:( he's the funniest doggie in the world.
Ah and while we're at it, I'll update a bit :rolleyes:

Old one:



Don't ask :p


At a friend's barbecue party:


One of our bunnies:


A typical Graspop view :p This is the tent where a bunch of us were sleeping



Playing Kubb in France. Kubb is an awesome Swedish viking game


Ex gf with my aunt's dog. Really cool dog too.


And here's a photo I truly hate, it looks so artificial. Anyway, I had to pose for photography at school (like my friends had to pose for me, in the previous series of photos I posted)

That bunny is so cute...
And your daughter is beautiful, Hobo. I love your pillow cat :p

And of course... cats rules! I totally LOVE cats, very very much. I have 2, I think I've already posted pics of them. I also like dogs, specially Dobermanns, Huskies, Rottweilers, Weimaraners, etc...

Nice pics everybody :)
Cerulean said:
Aww don't be rude to Alyona just cos you're attracted to her :(

he's just bitter cause he didn't have the guts to talk to me when I was... sooo close lol

and I can't leave the sarcasm-I'd have nothing to say otherwise