post your pic.....


since everyone else is doing it, and I havent been around in a long time!
Vincent J. said:
whooaah, the one in the white :)p) looks disturbing:zombie:
The others are nice though
btw, nice surroundings! I really should visit norway someday:lol:

hehe thank you :p hah yeah that one I took in a schoolpoject.. hah looks bad.. I can't use photoprograms, as I said, I suck when it comes to use a PC :p

yeah you should wisit Norway hehe ;p
Deliverance6 said:
to tell you the truth I have never even seen a pic of maynard.....I hope he isnt ugly or somethin.....haha.....

you can see the big ol' inverted cross tattoo in that pic too......ahhh.....the good old days....:saint:

by the way,Sorry I called you Reese and not Reece
I'm a dislexic idiot:rolleyes: