post your pic.....

courtesy of sparrowsblood.....
@Angelina: Awww!!! I love that last pic with you both! Looks amazingly cute! =)

Argh Jamie ... *grrr* he almost barbequed some Finntrolls at Wacken :erk: ... not that I would not have liked to take a bite :Smug: *haha!!!*
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Hey, atrocity, that's not Vin, that's Jamie ;)

Reece: Very cool pic.. where's that? Reminds me of those haunted places in Silent Hill. Must be interesting to visit, specially at night.

I believe cris took it when he broke into an old insane asylum.....I think......I know this one was taken there.....pretty cool huh.....and I now have the camera that took these pics...
Deliverance6 said:
I believe cris took it when he broke into an old insane asylum.....I think......I know this one was taken there.....pretty cool huh.....and I now have the camera that took these pics...

I remember this posted it here before
G: great pics, I really like them, look kinda eerie... very nice! Did you do anything special to make them look like that or not? Anyway, I like them very much. You should post more :)

Swany: thank you, dear. Yes, I think the pic looks cute, I love it very much! It was an awesome show and I enjoyed every moment of it and these guys are great people, I got very nice memories of it. I am very happy :)

Reece: That's it, that place in the first pic looks like an abandoned hospital or something and the black and white makes it look creepier but really cool, and it almost has like a sad atmosphere to me... And the other pic, yes, I also remember it. It's pretty cool too, I like the colours, it looks very artistic hehe.
Btw, what kind of cam is the one the pics were taken with? (and the one you now own, as you said). Does your friend dedicates to photography or something? Seems until now that he takes some really cool, artistic and interesting pics. Do you like photography? If so, you should do the same, and go with him to strange places like that and take some good pics :)
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
G: great pics, I really like them, look kinda eerie... very nice! Did you do anything special to make them look like that or not? Anyway, I like them very much. You should post more :)

I don't do anything special. I just make sure I'm in a badly lit place, and I obviously use no flash, I turn it to black and white and then just take the pics.
Well I made these last night walking on the street, I like them best when I move :p
Oh and it looks "bad" because it's a cellphone cam, but it's bad in a good way to me, looks grainy.
Ah yes, sometimes when you take pics without flash they look better, and if they are in black and white, even better. I love to do that too. And to move too!
And the "bad" look makes them look better as well! The grainy effect rocks, yeah!

This pic is from a few years ago, 2003 I think. It's grainy, me likes it:

And this one was taken recently and it looks pixelated, lol, but I thought it looked cool and I like it anyway.

Sometimes shitty quality pics rock :) And as flash kills so bad sometimes, I prefer them without flash.

And this is a drawing I did for my mother for her birthday. I don't draw fucking great but I don't care. I don't mean to draw perfectly either. I like to draw my way and like my weird drawings, though I'm not drawing very often now.

(I know it had nothing to do this kittie drawing here, but I found it somewhere between my pics while looking for the black and white ones and I wanted to post it)
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Reece: That's it, that place in the first pic looks like an abandoned hospital or something and the black and white makes it look creepier but really cool, and it almost has like a sad atmosphere to me... And the other pic, yes, I also remember it. It's pretty cool too, I like the colours, it looks very artistic hehe.
Btw, what kind of cam is the one the pics were taken with? (and the one you now own, as you said). Does your friend dedicates to photography or something? Seems until now that he takes some really cool, artistic and interesting pics. Do you like photography? If so, you should do the same, and go with him to strange places like that and take some good pics :)

the cam is a fuji S5000.....cris upgraded to the S1billion or something.....he used to do alot more photography but its been awhile....we are both so busy.....we went once to an abandon trailer park....there mustve been 100 trailors there....and actually we will be going there again in january....its about 4 hours away......that place was cool....but I dont know what happened to the pics we took there.....lots of good shithole places to shoot around us....I have often wanted to go where I used to hang out in Detroit and take pics of the people there.....and the buildings too....lots of burned out and abandoned buildings.......haha....cris probably doesnt know I posted his pics here yet but Im sure he would appreciate your comments...:)
Deliverance6 said:
.....we went once to an abandon trailer park....there mustve been 100 trailors there....and actually we will be going there again in january....its about 4 hours away......that place was cool....but I dont know what happened to the pics we took there.....


We need to explore that place better this year! (we found that place on the way back from a trip, and were on a schedule so we couldnt stay very long)
and thanks for the compliments Angelina and everyone! theres a bunch more at my online gallery, mines the first one (I'm the guy on top of the building)

Heres a few




@Cerulean: Oh, I just saw your pics *ooops*
These would scare my lovely cousins to death! Two oh-so-cool teenage guys who are seriously believing in ghosts (; So if you don't mind I'll save'em to scare them one day *gnahahahar!* ... and I really like them, looks good... somehow old and indeed quite supernatural. Good work.
Also to you Angelina. ... My cam somehow is not good for such kind of pics :erk:

@sparrowsblood: I'm really impressed!
I'd love to have such an abandoned area nearby. We just used to have an abandoned old slaughterhouse near the citycentre. It was quite scary and really really smelly there. It smelled of dead, old, rotten flesh and dried blood :yuk: ... when they were "destroying" the building to build up something new the soil underneath was a few metres deep reddish-brown from all the blood they led in there. A good place to take pics... but you would start feeling sick after 10 minutes :/ ... and now they built a supermarket on there :ill:

Well, me taking a pic of Notodden/Norway:
How great... I've just been taking a look at your site, Cris, and I am also impressed. Very nice photography you do, and I like your paintings very much too.
That playpen pic with the gas can... haha, yes, it's quite funny, like it has a "good and sweet" side and a "bad and evil" side or something like that :p very cool!

Swany: I forgot to say I'm in love with your hair. I used to have it very long a few years ago, but not as long as yours. It rocks! I'm growing mine back again and I feel like it's taking forever.