post your pic.....

I'm the guy in the orange shirt with the afro
the one you're reffering to is my friend

and sure that girl was a nice sight!
Verwuestung said:
.. in some magical forest


looks like Ramat Hanadiv to me...and there's nothing magical about it except all the bbq-ing that's going on there
MadTinus said:
You're wearing sunglasses and even then you had to 'censor' your face..? You can't be that ugly.. :guh:

Nice girl on the left, in the green dress btw..I don't even play an instrument (except airdrums, eh, Swany..? ;)), just been to a lot of gigs, guess I'm a professional observer then! ;)

honestly that green dress girl reminds me .....uh...the lands of the dead....
her posing is just
Cerulean said:

I didnt say that i never used any dru.g.But dru.g.s are for idiots.There are too many beautiful things in world to live.There is love my friend there is friendship.And i assure you there is no need to pollute your mind with all those fuckin dru.g.s.Just share your love with someone.Just feel the joy of falling in love.Just enjoy your life.You wont live it again.
So peace man.Hate is for evils.Lemme buy you an e-beer.
Here ya go.

that girl wasn't photoshopped
I don't even have the skills for that
btw I don't remember where the party was paradoxile
but it was an hour or more south of tel aviv..

was a beautiful location too

edit: oh now I remember
har haruvit