post your pic.....


P.s I wont let you to start another polemic Gorik.
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Let me say this for the last time:

1. Stop adding me on msn with new random accounts

2. Stop mailing me. I check my junk mail every now and then, and I see you're STILL emailing me

3. Stop giving bad rep to me, Ksenia and Mariana unless you really enjoy doing it.

4. Stop being hypocritical as fuck

Last warning, really. I've been leaving you alone since that whole affair over here, don't deny that. So......




Cerulean said:
Let me say this for the last time:

1. Stop adding me on msn with new random accounts

2. Stop mailing me. I check my junk mail every now and then, and I see you're STILL emailing me

3. Stop giving bad rep to me, Ksenia and Mariana unless you really enjoy doing it.

4. Stop being hypocritical as fuck

Last warning, really. I've been leaving you alone since that whole affair over here, don't deny that. So......





Okay you asked for it.
1.You are in my list ask anyone.I just changed my mail adress and automaticaly msn sent everyone my new adress invitation.
2.I mail you to stop this bullshit fight between us in public board.STOP IT!
3.I give you bad rep only once so did you!!Is it forbidden to give bad rep?Yeah ban me because i gave bad rep.
4.Dont embarrass yerself anymore.

Go bother someone else
.I am not gonna reply your provoking posts anymore.
We ruined another thread with our childish fight.I am apologizing everyone.
I think i am not gonna post anything again for a very long time.
So its my last post.
Let me show you another beautiful pic of my village.


Goodbye everyone..
I just want to say something to Can and Gorik...
and it goes like this:OMG I'm so jealous at Aleh and Jonas is larger than life
oh and Bitty!!!

that's about it
first of all, i apologise for posting this here (and anyway), i thought the thing was over, but, as can be seen, it's not.
Zowi said:
Jezus fucking CHRIST! JUST STOP IT
You look like bloody twelve year olds. Goddamn.

look... that's not fair. i realise it might seem childish, entertaining/funny and a good replacement for opera-shows even, as has been already said. but it's far from that. and Cerulean never asked for this shit. even when he (and consequently, me too) brought the whole thing on a forum, it was JUST and ONLY cause he hoped exile would leave him alone at last and to warn other people; it was his last attempt after COUNTLESS chances he had already done to exile privately.
so, to all people who said/are saying/will say "jesus guys, keep that between yourselves and don't bring it here, this is not the right place for your shitty arguments" and alikes, it has been done. no results.
and it's not about arguments/bitchfights, it's about one person (exile) who keeps haunting/threatining one another person, Cerulean, for months. simple as that. just imagine yourselves in such a situation.
exile is trying to behave like a poor victim, being nice on forum while being nasty privately. that's not how it works.
i honestly don't know
a n y o n e
who would have been THAT patient and tolerant as Cerulean has been to exile. really no one. he's tried it all to avoid this. exile just kept behaving like he always did, he has just been fortunate to cross upon someone that nice as Cerulean, who hasn't said him 'fuck off' at the very first 'wrong move'.
see what you obtain when you're nice to someone and give chances and try to resolve all in peace? nothing. you're accused of being a kid who has no other things to do but bitchfighting about personal things in a public place.

everyone is free to think whatever they want, but please, don't say again 'omg keep this shit private' cause it has been kept private for months.
anyway, 'tis all.
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°scarlet° said:
first of all, i apologise for posting this here (and anyway), i thought the thing was over, but, as can be seen, it's not.

look... that's not fair. i realise it might seem childish, entertaining/funny and a good replacement for opera-shows even, as has been already said. but it's far from that. and Cerulean never asked for this shit. even when he (and consequently, me too) brought the whole thing on a forum, it was JUST and ONLY cause he hoped exile would leave him alone at last and to warn other people; it was his last attempt after COUNTLESS chances he had already done to exile privately.
so, to all people who said/are saying/will say "jesus guys, keep that between yourselves and don't bring it here, this is not the right place for your shitty arguments" and alikes, it has been done. no results.
and it's not about arguments/bitchfights, it's about one person (exile) who keeps haunting/threatining one another person, Cerulean, for months. simple as that. just imagine yourselves in such a situation.
exile is trying to behave like a poor victim, being nice on forum while being nasty privately. that's not how it works.
i honestly don't know
a n y o n e
who would have been THAT patient and tolerant as Cerulean has been to exile. really no one. he's tried it all to avoid this. exile just kept behaving like he always did, he has just been fortunate to cross upon someone that nice as Cerulean, who hasn't said him 'fuck off' at the very first 'wrong move'.
see what you obtain when you're nice to someone and give chances and try to resolve all in peace? nothing. you're accused of being a kid who has no other things to do but bitchfighting about personal things in a public place.

everyone is free to think whatever they want, but please, don't say again 'omg keep this shit private' cause it has been kept private for months.
anyway, 'tis all.

booooriiing lool
you need a life :lol:
I want the Samara-like pics of Kev ^^
And yes, Wanderer, I said SAMARA because SADAKO sucks. Well, I like the name but the movie made me laugh more than scare me. Samara was way creepier in my opinion. And japanese people are nuts! But I like them :)