post your pic.....

I can be annoying, too, so it's ok ;)
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Silent paragon said:
Everyone here has pets. I don’t have pets, so here is your typical pet and owner shot except this is me and my soft toy wombat. I can’t believe I just took this. It’s so not me.


Photos lie.
Just one word: CUTE.
And I'm sure many more will agree with me.
I totally love this pic, Eve :)
°scarlet° said:
first of all, i apologise for posting this here (and anyway), i thought the thing was over, but, as can be seen, it's not.

look... that's not fair. i realise it might seem childish, entertaining/funny and a good replacement for opera-shows even, as has been already said. but it's far from that. and Cerulean never asked for this shit. even when he (and consequently, me too) brought the whole thing on a forum, it was JUST and ONLY cause he hoped exile would leave him alone at last and to warn other people; it was his last attempt after COUNTLESS chances he had already done to exile privately.
so, to all people who said/are saying/will say "jesus guys, keep that between yourselves and don't bring it here, this is not the right place for your shitty arguments" and alikes, it has been done. no results.
and it's not about arguments/bitchfights, it's about one person (exile) who keeps haunting/threatining one another person, Cerulean, for months. simple as that. just imagine yourselves in such a situation.
exile is trying to behave like a poor victim, being nice on forum while being nasty privately. that's not how it works.
i honestly don't know
a n y o n e
who would have been THAT patient and tolerant as Cerulean has been to exile. really no one. he's tried it all to avoid this. exile just kept behaving like he always did, he has just been fortunate to cross upon someone that nice as Cerulean, who hasn't said him 'fuck off' at the very first 'wrong move'.
see what you obtain when you're nice to someone and give chances and try to resolve all in peace? nothing. you're accused of being a kid who has no other things to do but bitchfighting about personal things in a public place.

everyone is free to think whatever they want, but please, don't say again 'omg keep this shit private' cause it has been kept private for months.
anyway, 'tis all.

Right, too bad I didn't know what happened before yesterday(I was too busy to check this board few months ago ) and I saw Gorvik and Exile had a fight in Jonas's thread, Gorvik explained to me what happened, I was like"wtf?" why the fuck is people can silly like this ? what good to create 10 msn accounts to fool a very nice people like Gorvik?
I heard some content that Exile even said "please come to holland kata meeting, I will fight you and kill you".

and as Ksenia said, Gorvik was not trying to fight with exile, he was trying to get rid of him from those annoying,threatening forum-post,PM,email, MSN, he tried to post the evidence on board and seems no one care but just bash them having kid fight on board or stuffs, please consider the one who have suffered is youself! and you never know why that guy picked on you, you cannot get rid of that even you block all his msn accounts, put his emails,PMs to spam filter, he just keeps bothering you.:erk:
Silent paragon said:
Everyone here has pets. I don’t have pets, so here is your typical pet and owner shot except this is me and my soft toy wombat. I can’t believe I just took this. It’s so not me.


Photos lie.

haha, still you :) even embrace a doll bear and you still have no smile on your face :)
and yeah I do agree with Mariana :) CUTE :)
gigles at candy... i think unicorn is my favourite not dog owner of the board :D...oh the video is still on my other friends camara srry gonna have to wait a lil bit more
Katatonica said:
gigles at candy... i think unicorn is my favourite not dog owner of the board :D...oh the video is still on my other friends camara srry gonna have to wait a lil bit more

I thought I was your favorite non dog owner:cry:
I think with Eve's wombat plushie pic should come your old photo with the huge hello kitty plush(and I don't mean Jonas:lol: )

@Eve: the wombat photo is deffinetly're holding a plushy wombat and look pissed off....still look hot though:heh:

@Kev: Naked Pics Now!
If this doesnt get me some hot ass then i just give up....nah...anyways ummm i just want to touch someones ass...preferably a girls...but yeah BUTT YEAH looooooooooooool