post your pic.....

Cerulean said:

Vincent J. said:
haha, jada?
I actually can't speak Norwegian at all:p (if that was norwegian, haha)

haha yeah it was :p hmm jada means, like.. yeah ok or someting ;p dosen't have a meaning I guess ;p
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Oh shit.. makes my legs hurt.

Love your pics, NeverIsForever :)
It's like two and a half months old now, but the scar's still pretty visible.

Anyway, nice pictures everyone.
It seems like one picture is enough to fall in love with a girl. Remember, dear friends, that it's very easy to look cool in a pic. And hormones do the rest
I know! It was fcking beautiful there :)
(At the second pic I'm standing on some old viking fort)
Umm yeah you do (it actually was a flooded river, but that aside), your point? :)

And thanks Angelina.
My point is that as soon as someone posts a pic from sweden with lakes, everybody goes "aaah, it is so beauuuutiful...." as i said, it was nothing personal at all, i just cant understand what makes sweden so special.. :)
Ah I understand.. well yeh, that's sorta true.
But there are many beautiful places in the world, and I just think Sweden is one of them. The river wasn't reeaally amazing to me, but I do really love the forests.

And hey, I live in Holland, compared to Sweden, Holland is nothing. :lol: It was just such a huge improvement. ;p
i found onw where i look hideous but who cares im wearing TD t weee!!!! and lots of snow... gotta love sky trips and winter up here
Just today i woke up and mail has just droped by and left me my TGCD special edition & my twin ep...



my face/hair is all messy, i've just woke up godamnit !

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

ps: i haven't had the guts to open it yet... ! so beautiful.... :cry:
^^That is cool fateful, but you look like, i'm so fucking happy, but...where is the bed? and, hey i'm a northeastern brazilian just like you!!
como eh que vai cara? beleza? pra conseguir cd's do katatonia aqui no brasil eh uma facada ne velho?