post your pic.....

Shamus said:

Sometimes I put my head on backwards, you know, just for fun.
hehe, also Gene Hoglan is into that kind of stuff
btw, whoohoo, six string bass:p
Vincent J. said:
okay... me posing in the toilets somewhere...
yeah, sorry for this:p :zombie:

Why the hell are you posing in the toilet?
and who came with you to take the picture? I always thought only girls are going to the toilet in packs ;)
Unicorn said:
Why the hell are you posing in the toilet?
and who came with you to take the picture? I always thought only girls are going to the toilet in packs ;)
long story...:p
naah, it just happened to be the most stupid place to take a picture sooo...:zombie:
The emo picture.

The "Hey dude, you're a freak" picture (btw, its just chocolate, and yes i know i am freakin weird)

The scary death metal scream picture one of a kind...btw im 17
Hello everybody... So nice to come back and see your messages.. I had to leave town for a few days to my granfather's funeral.. sad days and still more to come but well, here I am... thank you all for your kindness, and by the way, nice and cool pics everyone.
I have some new pics from my friend's birthday that was a few weeks ago, maybe I'll post some later.

Hope you are all ok :)
My condolences Angelina!

Actually, my birthday was at the end of March and the day before it my grandmother died and the day after an uncle, so 2 deaths in the family 'sandwiched' my birthday ;). Not funny of course, but it's behind now and I still had a great birthday party a few weeks later.
BEHOLD!! The sexiest man to ever hail from Planet Internet:


Having fun with some random friends I'd just made in my awesome "Sweet Nurse" shirt!!!


Me and some of my sexy dude friends... we modeled in Carlotta's fashion show! The crowd thought we were the hottest Katatonia fans ever!


Best pillows on earth... LOLZ!!!

I would like to send a special hello to forum-mod/drum god JESSE! Perhaps you remember me... I'm the sexy dude from Florida who paypal'd you money about a month ago for an extra copy of "Dismantling Devotion" that you'd accidentally sent to me which I sold to a friend... I bet you never though a person so extremely seXXXy could be... honest? See you in NYC, DUDE!!!! *air guitar*


I am the world's best dancer, and I will dance up a FUKKIN SEXY STORM during the Daylight Dies set on July 14th!