post your pic.....

Lovely doggies all, indeed.
Aww mine is getting so old he can hardly move :( I'm afraid he won't live very long anymore.
And my mother won't let me have another dog, my goal is to have 4 dogs when I live on my own :)
I know it's a little off topic but Jonas reminds of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry's date was switching from pretty to ugly back and forth and the only place she looked pretty all the time is a the booth in the diner.

It's like Jonas is a different person in every picture

This is me at a local pub called Deep Blue, about half a month ago or so:

And again at the same place with my dear best friend:

We were a bit drunk... just a little bit hehe.
This pic sucks but I laugh my ass off every time I see it 'cause we both look so bad hah... but it's funny :)
Thank you all.
My grandpa has just died, needless to say how I feel.
But I know everytime I come here I'll find something to make me laugh. So, guess this forum will help me a lot through this.
Btw, Cerulean, your child pics are lovely. You were a happy kid, or so it seems hehe.
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
Thank you all.
My grandpa has just died, needless to say how I feel.
But I know everytime I come here I'll find something to make me laugh. So, guess this forum will help me a lot through this.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear...
Same thing happened to me about a month ago
well, take care!

btw, yeah the pictures are nice:loco: