post your pic.....


I so want that bun! Pure cuteness, pure squeezable :p

Awww, cute.

But take a look a this, my dog when he was 8 weeks old.


I guess I'm a bit obsessive with my dog :lol:
Check this page out: and see for yourself :) I'm sure many of you will die of a cuteness attack when looking at some of those pics of those cute tiny bunnies.
Oh goodness! I didn't die ... but... Aaaaaawwwww!!! Now I'd also like to have one *lol* ... but no way... I know myself I wouldn't have enough time for it and not the possibilities to treat it as it deserves ... :/

@Alyona: Gosh, you look amazing! Love your style and the "fluffyness" of your hair! :goggly:

No cute animal-pic, no clone-pic ... but a hair-pic! *lol* ... My friend made some pics of my hair for some art-exercise for school, bla... dunno ... so here's one of them:

@angelina : :D:D:D:D:D:D
@swany :the award of the greatest hair in this forum gooooooooooooessssssssssss toooooooooooooooooooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D:D
:rock: You look awesome in that photo, Swany. I'm a guy, but I'd KILL for hair like that. :waah: Genes have been cruel to me...if there is a God, why oh why hasn't he given me black hair????? Haha, perhaps it was foreseen that I'd lose my fate and he would deny me that one ounce of joy.... can't be helped...this is TOO cool...pretty much in the palm of your hand;


I mean, how cool is that? Thanks for that link, Angelina...but you know what? I'll be honest here...I didn't find them ALL cute, hehe. Some looked almost, well, I won't say deformed, but...unique?
In any case, I once had a friend with a Rabbit, but it grew so large. I would like it for these furry animals to stay as tiny as they are. :) Ah, nature is great.
I'll be honest here...I didn't find them ALL cute, hehe. Some looked almost, well, I won't say deformed, but...unique?
In any case, I once had a friend with a Rabbit, but it grew so large. I would like it for these furry animals to stay as tiny as they are. :) Ah, nature is great.
Ah but don't you worry, Alcapoth. I didn't find them ALL cute either ;)
And I also like them very tiny and with tiny ears and that, like the cutie I posted before and just like you say... and besides, to be honest too, I find big rabbits a bit err... well, I don't know which would be the word to describe it but I don't like them that much :/ some of them have kinda evil faces!
And, to end with my post I tell you I read in some random page, that there's a variety of rabbits that are like dwarfs, I don't know exactly but they don't grow up more than 20 cms! tiny ears and a whole tiny bun forever... that must rock... if those are like the one I posted, then they must rule.
Bunnies are cute and wonderful till they piss on you! My family went to the local fair out here many years ago where they had a whole bunch of bunnies and animals. Pretty much every single bunny my mom/brother picked up pissed on them and they smelled terrible ;)
Oh goodness! I didn't die ... but... Aaaaaawwwww!!! Now I'd also like to have one *lol* ... but no way... I know myself I wouldn't have enough time for it and not the possibilities to treat it as it deserves ... :/

@Alyona: Gosh, you look amazing! Love your style and the "fluffyness" of your hair! :goggly:

No cute animal-pic, no clone-pic ... but a hair-pic! *lol* ... My friend made some pics of my hair for some art-exercise for school, bla... dunno ... so here's one of them:


:) I love it.
I realized I forgot to comment on Swany's pic... but what can I say apart from how beautiful your hair and YOU Swany, are? :) I know I sound like a lesbian but fuck it, I don't care. That pic is great and so are you and your lovely hair, completely gorgeous!

@Tumn: aww, I wouldn't mind hihi ^^ I don't recall how bunnies' piss smells... but I can asure that cats' piss is AWFUL if not the worst, lol. That reminded me of my cat Luna when she was very very tiny and was in her first day at home... poor thing was meowing and pooping and pissing all over my bedroom, pissed on my bed as well if I'm not mistaken and over me while sleeping and I was waking up all the damn night to check she was ok and stuff... but she learnt quick and easy where to do her needs. But oh well, you gotta be patient... :)
Ah but don't you worry, Alcapoth. I didn't find them ALL cute either ;)
And I also like them very tiny and with tiny ears and that, like the cutie I posted before and just like you say... and besides, to be honest too, I find big rabbits a bit err... well, I don't know which would be the word to describe it but I don't like them that much :/ some of them have kinda evil faces!
And, to end with my post I tell you I read in some random page, that there's a variety of rabbits that are like dwarfs, I don't know exactly but they don't grow up more than 20 cms! tiny ears and a whole tiny bun forever... that must rock... if those are like the one I posted, then they must rule.

^^ Ha, good to hear. And dwarfs, ah yes...that's what I intended mentioning before but it escaped me. Now, that'd definitely solve the problem. Aye, I can't believe I'm getting into this so much...I guess a bunny would be easier to take care of than a cat (yeah, our cat is a's lucky it's cute, that's for sure.)
Oh thanx for your nice comments :blush: <3

@Unicorn: Aye... I don't wanna know how many thousand people have touched my hair (; ... and I bet Martijn had a whole bunch of it sticking to his couch :rolleyes:

@Alcapoth: Thanx, but I guess I have to disappoint you... ... my hair isn't black... maybe it's not so obvious in that pic but my hair's rather a mix of a ebony+mahagony (wood, not the leaves *lol*) with a really soft hint of red. And I'm personally quite happy that it's not black... ... well yeah. ;)
went to a friends birthday party on saturday. wasn't feeling very well, had a terrible cold-so I drank lots of champagne to drown it lol

Drool, drool drool drool drool .....

Sorry cant come up with anything coherent to say
sooooooooooooooow sexy

ow mai goth.... your hair is amazing... seriously me wants to touch!!!! Beautiful pic all the way actually..
im actually thinking of putting that swany pic as my desktop is just such an awesome pic :)


@Swany: Aye, no IS quite obvious, actually. :goggly: I must have been seriously out of it the night of that post...or something. But anyway, I'm just REALLY obsessed with the colour BLACK! And to be honest, I think your hair does look more black depending on the lighting, of course (from what I recall of past images you've shown, anyway.) No matter, it doesn't change the fact you have awesome hair.