post your pic.....

Thank you MadTinus :)

And hey, Lord_Darksoul... don't feel sad. I agree with the guys here and you seem to be a nice and cool guy, crazy... but I am crazy as well. Nowadays everybody's losing their minds :loco: I think I lost mine sometime ago.
You're welcome to the board :)

We should have an irc chatroom or something. Maybe it would be cool. I don't know why this came to my mind.. lol.
I look kinda creepy in this picture

If only people looked like that, Cerulean!

I just got out of the shower so my hair is wet and I'm not wearing anything below the waist!

Wowzers!! This is quite possibly the most heartwarming moment I've ever shared with with fellow citizens of Planet Internet Messageboard! When I go to sleep this morning, I hope that I dream that we're all in an internet chat room and LOLing to the max with each other! It will be great!!!!!

*air guitar*
Looks like Carlotta needs to be careful, or half the lads on this forum might just steal him away from her.

Now doesn't something just seem wrong with that statement? :confused:

*goess off to watch his shiny new PoS DVD he just got in the mail*
Spike said:
Looks like Carlotta needs to be careful, or half the lads on this forum might just steal him away from her.

Now doesn't something just seem wrong with that statement? :confused:

*goess off to watch his shiny new PoS DVD he just got in the mail*

Nothing seems wrong with it to me!

Perhaps it's because in the past I've been known to turn many a-straight man gay, causing them to abandon the boredom of conventional hetero livestyles!

Once I see them showing interest in my dude ding-dong skills, I lure them over to my crib... then I play Katatonia to seduce them. Usually I'll play "Discoraged Ones," and while they're sitting there weeping, I'll make my move. They want to be comforted, so I'll gently start rubbing their thighs, telling them to not be so glum. Then when he smiles back, I like to kiss the man on his neck... knowing that he's now "tingling all over," I go for the kill! It is my failsafe method to fully getting dudes out of the closet.

Unfortunately, after our first encounter, I'll usually dump the man.... I tell them that I only love Jonas and that I could never give my heart to another... I am a very sensitive man myself and I know how hard it can be to be strung along by a man as sexy as myself! At first, most take it difficultly... but I tell them that we can still have lots of cyber sex, so they usually do not have too hard of a time accepting it.

I'm going to start telling all of my sexy "friends" to start posting here!
Lord_Darksoul said:
Nothing seems wrong with it to me!

Perhaps it's because in the past I've been known to turn many a-straight man gay, causing them to abandon the boredom of conventional hetero livestyles!

Once I see them showing interest in my dude ding-dong skills, I lure them over to my crib... then I play Katatonia to seduce them. Usually I'll play "Discoraged Ones," and while they're sitting there weeping, I'll make my move. They want to be comforted, so I'll gently start rubbing their thighs, telling them to not be so glum. Then when he smiles back, I like to kiss the man on his neck... knowing that he's now "tingling all over," I go for the kill! It is my failsafe method to fully getting dudes out of the closet.

Unfortunately, after our first encounter, I'll usually dump the man.... I tell them that I only love Jonas and that I could never give my heart to another... I am a very sensitive man myself and I know how hard it can be to be strung along by a man as sexy as myself! At first, most take it difficultly... but I tell them that we can still have lots of cyber sex, so they usually do not have too hard of a time accepting it.

I'm going to start telling all of my sexy "friends" to start posting here!
Lord_Darksoul said:
Nothing seems wrong with it to me!

Perhaps it's because in the past I've been known to turn many a-straight man gay, causing them to abandon the boredom of conventional hetero livestyles!

Once I see them showing interest in my dude ding-dong skills, I lure them over to my crib... then I play Katatonia to seduce them. Usually I'll play "Discoraged Ones," and while they're sitting there weeping, I'll make my move. They want to be comforted, so I'll gently start rubbing their thighs, telling them to not be so glum. Then when he smiles back, I like to kiss the man on his neck... knowing that he's now "tingling all over," I go for the kill! It is my failsafe method to fully getting dudes out of the closet.

Unfortunately, after our first encounter, I'll usually dump the man.... I tell them that I only love Jonas and that I could never give my heart to another... I am a very sensitive man myself and I know how hard it can be to be strung along by a man as sexy as myself! At first, most take it difficultly... but I tell them that we can still have lots of cyber sex, so they usually do not have too hard of a time accepting it.

I'm going to start telling all of my sexy "friends" to start posting here!

You're a're crazy in the cocunutt...that boy needs therapy...