post your pic.....

Yeah, and it's ANNOYING!!! I mean, he has a new one at least once a week, and he won't listen when I say that it looks so goddamn stupid. He stands in front of his boss and the school principal like that... It can happen once or twice yeah, but once a week is a bit on the extreme side.

Something I just whipped up. I'M ON TELEVISION MOM!!! I MADEZ IT!1
weee a real castle
when i grow up i wanna be a princess!!!

now that is chateau lorelle in Ottawa hee hee i took some kewl pics when we went a month ago :)
so here's me(left) and my bestfriend drunk some days ago :p ehee..


and me again more seriously.. lol :p (with hair ;( )


and here's my cute little dog, Dennis


@Kev: I LOVE the first pic you posted. LOVE, seriously, in capital letters :p
@Eve: Same. I LOVE the first pic. And you are slighty smiling, how CUTE (yes, CUTE in capital letters :p)
@G: I HATE you for living near that awesome castle and be able to visit it anytime you like :(
@Aleh: Hey, let's move to some cool castle and pretend we are princesses (?)
castles are overrated, just like beer and sleep!! but hey you both can be princesses as far as im concerned. loved ones!

eve smiled! yay!!
Cerulean said:
It's just a Photoshop filter :heh:
I’m not talking about Photoshop here. Kevin has perfect lighting in this photo. He said it was shot in his bedroom. Yet it looks like it was shot with proper lighting in a studio.
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
@Eve: Same. I LOVE the first pic. And you are slighty smiling, how CUTE (yes, CUTE in capital letters :p)
I’m not cute. And the reason I’m smiling in that photo is because I have a BIG fucking knife in my hands.

Damn Australia for not having any medieval castles. I do however, have a pirate ship. Garrrrrr.

And so that everyone knows...I worked out and my ass is looking soooo fine. TIGHT AS A MUTHA FUCKA!!!!

I'm hot...seduce me.
No I'm just in love with myself. Drunk is for weekends and days ending in ... day. But not right now..and you're not suppose to start sentences with "but". But I don't care. Hailz and stuff!!!1
develinn said:
so here's me(left) and my bestfriend drunk some days ago :p ehee..


You're shaping your mouth the way Blakkheim does on many pics. That's a good thing if you ask me.

I like your dog, too.

edit: You're looking awesome. Scandinavian girls are so pretty